College Care Package: From Home, With Love

College is a great time for any teen. It’s that part of their life where they first get a taste of independence and meet new people while furthering their education. University isn’t just a place that brings them one step closer to the dreams, though. It is also their home away from home.

While they might have plenty of great times at college, there will be moments when they will miss home.

A personalized care package can remedy your college student’s homesickness. It’s a taste of the familiar that keeps them going for another semester. The best packages are laden with treats, whimsies, and plenty of your love.

Sending love from back home via care packages will require snacks, bags and boxes (plenty of them), a gift bag punchboard, and a little bit of creativity.

Thoughtful Care Items in a Box

College students work and play hard. They’ll need some comfort after a difficult exam or stressful group project.

Send your love in the form of a cozy care box.

A fleece blanket is perfect for studying during the winter or the dead of the night. Throw in a pair of socks to complete the cozy getup. For a better night’s sleep, consider sending earplugs, a sleep mask, or noise-canceling headphones. If your loved one enjoys relaxing outdoors, send them a warm muffler, knit cap, and mittens.

Feed Them From Afar

College student eating oatmealFood is the fuel of every hardworking college student. Unfortunately, plenty of students will be too busy to mind their nutrition. Some of them settle for energy drinks and cup noodles to survive another school day.

Send them brain food in a box. For example, throw in packets of oatmeal in their care package. It’s hard to beat having oatmeal for breakfast. This whole grain treat gives your loved one the physical and mental boost they need. They’ll also get a bowlful of B vitamins, potassium, fiber, and Vitamin E.

Walnuts also fuel the brain and sustain it for long exams. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that walnuts contain improve deductive reasoning.

Don’t forget to send them their favorites too. Microwavable goodies save the busy college student from starvation while studying. Include the following items:

  • Snacks (e.g., chips, pretzels, energy bars, cookies, and popcorn)
  • Drinks (e.g., coffee, tea, and hot chocolate)
  • Hard candies, gum, mints, and gummy candies

School Items Are Welcome

Show your appreciation for the work their putting into their studies by slipping a few school supplies into their care package. Adding pens, highlighters, and sticky notes save them time and money in case they run out of these supplies. Your college student will also appreciate extra adapters, power cords, memory storage, and power banks.

Reminders of Home

Even the most independent college student will miss home. Thanks to online communication, it’s easier to talk with them whenever and wherever. Still, nothing beats tangible reminders of home.

Top off your care package with handwritten notes or drawings from their younger siblings. You can also add photos of the family or pets or a favorite memento.

Homesickness is natural for any student studying away from home. Send love from home by sending your hardworking college student a care package.

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