Fun Winter Activities You Can Still Do During a Pandemic

The pandemic has interfered with the way we do a lot of things like our jobs, our children’s schooling, the way we socialize, and even the way we celebrate special occasions.

We took on a different approach with the things and events spring, summer, and fall had to offer. A lot of sporting events were indefinitely postponed because large crowd gatherings have been prohibited by the government. For the fans, this meant that they won’t be seeing a radar gun in baseball games detect record-breaking pitches nor will they see their favorite players suit up. At least not until certain sports resumed later in the year such as the National Basketball Association.

This holiday season is no exception. We are going to see very distinct differences in the way we do Christmas this year. However, despite the present global health crisis, there are still a few fun things to do with our families to still make Christmas as enjoyable as possible as we do our best to protect each other and stay safe.

letter to santa

12 Winter Activities for the Family to Enjoy Despite the Pandemic

1. Give Santa a virtual call
As much as we all want Santa to still pay us a visit, he’s also socially distancing, right? So the next best thing is to go virtual with Santa this holiday season.

2. Party on the longest night of the year
On December 21st, the winter solstice, the year’s longest night, will take place. Stay up all night with your entire household and plan a lot of fun stuff on the longest night of the year.

3. Make your own Christmas ornaments and decors
If you have nothing better to do with your time at home, get creative with your kids. Make your own Christmas decors and ornaments to give your home a more personalized touch for the holidays.

4. Go cross-country skiing
Get your ski gear ready and head out to an open terrain for some cross-country skiing. It’s a really fun way to get exercise, too, as you’re using your body’s locomotion — not gravity — to glide across the snow.

mother daughter ice skating

5. Go ice skating
If you’re not much for skiing, then perhaps a few hours on the ice is your thing. Sharpen the blades on your ice skates and go to the nearest lake or ice skating rink for hours of skating fun.

6. Go hiking
Another wonderful outdoor family activity this winter is going hiking. This can also be an educational opportunity for you and your kids as you can study how natural habitats survive and thrive in the cold winter.

7. Create your own snow sculpture
Whether you come up with the typical three-ball Snowman or build an amazingly detailed miniature ice castle, creating snow sculptures gives you hours of fun and puts your creative juices to work.

8. Roll up some snowballs and start a snowball fight
Take the whole family out for a walk and start a snowball fight. It’s fun, it’s harmless, and it’s a great stress-reliever for adults. Just don’t hit too hard and start a real fight. That’s counterproductive.

9. Hold an outdoor winter bonfire
A hot and crackling bonfire outdoors on a cold winter night coupled with a few cups of hot cocoa and probably some roasted mallows, and you have the perfect way to spend a winter evening with your family.

10. Get busy in the kitchen
Not only is cooking up a storm and baking in the kitchen a great way for families to bond, but it is also a practical way of warming up the home and giving it a cozier ambiance and more pleasant aroma.

11. Huddle by the fireplace and read Christmas stories
Storytime is one of the times that kids look forward to. Get the fire started in the fireplace, perhaps whip up a batch of hot cocoa or eggnog, and read a good old Christmas tale to your kids before they go to bed.

12. Christmas movie marathon
One of the things most folks are looking forward to during the holidays is the barrage of Christmas movies they can watch with their loved ones. Several good holiday movies are slated to be released this month while other older favorites are available via streaming services. Either way, hours of feel-good, Christmas-inspired movies are sure to warm your hearts and lift your spirits.

Having fun and building memories with your family is still possible this Christmas season. You just need to be creative this time so that you can still make it as fun as possible for your family and keep each other safe.

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