Hitting the Slopes Like a Pro: Why You Are Still an Intermediate Skier

It is tempting to hibernate during the winter season. Who would want to bother themselves in wearing layers after layers of clothes when you can stay and enjoy the warmth of your bed all day? But then, staying active is a must especially during the cold weather. Allowing yourself to stick to a sedentary lifestyle won’t help you achieve better health and wellness in the middle of winter. If there is one outdoor recreational activity you can engross yourself in this season, that would be to try and advance your skills as a skier.

Why Choose Skiing as Your Go-to Winter Recreation

Skiing is fun and proven to be a healthy workout. It helps make you look and feel young since this is considered a great cardiovascular exercise. Numerous studies claim that skiing offers numerous health benefits, including the following.

  • Improve agility, strength, and coordination
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Burn calories between 350 and 500 per hour
  • Boost glucose metabolism
  • Improve insulin resistance
  • Reduce risk for repetitive-motion injuries
  • Improve balance

There are risks associated with skiing. According to studies, heart attack is the leading reason for death in the slopes. But with proper preparations, you can reduce your risk of a heart attack while skiing.

Skiing allows you to burn calories while having fun, enjoy the rush of cold wind in your face, and be with nature at the same time. You get to take a break from your busy city life, boost your immune system, and get over winter depression. You can even meet new people, foster closer bonds with your loved ones, or relax on your own while being surrounded by snow.

Skiing also allows you to express yourself and show off your moves and fashion sense. You can find fashionable skiing clothes, Nordica ski boots for women, and rock trendy accessories while gliding on the slopes. With the right gear, you can perform better and start your journey to advanced skiing.

Why You Are Still an Intermediate Skier


Let’s say you’ve been skiing for many years now and can comfortably slide down intermediate runs. You are actually bored with the same old slopes. But why are you still not confident enough to take more complicated terrains?

Many skiers are guilty of making mistakes which stop them from advancing to the next level. Are you making any of the following mistakes?

  • Avoiding ski school

Many skiers would skip ski school after learning the ropes of skiing. But according to experts, many gets stuck with bad skiing habits the moment they get into the intermediate level. An experienced instructor can offer valuable coaching so you can finally get past your level.

  • Skiing in the backseat

Do you often find yourself falling backward while on the slope? Is it hard for you to turn or maybe you often end up with a shin splint after skiing? This only means you need to stop leaning too far back when skiing and learn how to achieve a good stance to get better.

  • Not trying other types of skis

When was the last time you changed your skis? If the answer is close to rarely, then it is time you try other skis. This will help you navigate different terrains and learn new tricks along the way.

Trying out other skis will make you walk out of your comfort zone and jump to a whole new terrain. Things may be difficult on the first try. But how can you tell if you never tried testing other ski types and terrain?

How to Start Being a More Advanced Skier

Practice is the best way to improve your skiing abilities. A ski trip may only be a once a year occurrence. But you can be better by making the most out of each trip.

Practice short turns. You want to start turning your skis with your legs while keeping your upper body still. Aim to learn how to create good edging movements along with a centered stance.

Train at home with a series of ski exercises. There are numerous exercises you can do before the ski trip to better prepare yourself. This can include squats, jump lunges, Russian twists, stretched, cycling and crunches.

Invest in newer equipment. Update your equipment, make sure your boots fit well and try a different type of ski. This can help boost your confidence and challenge yourself once you’re back on the slopes.

Take additional lessons if you can. Nothing can beat the lessons a pro skier can give you. They can provide feedback on which areas you can approve so you can finally start skiing on those steeper, more complicated runs.

Skiing can be an excellent outdoor recreational activity for people of all walks of life. You may be good enough to teach your beginner friend who never tried skiing before. But why waste your time sliding down that familiar run if you can challenge yourself this winter? Choose to take your skiing to the next level and you will feel great and be healthier during the cold season.

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