How To Deal With Hormonal Imbalance

Our body’s hormones regulate everything we do, from how we sleep to our overall health. For instance, the hormone testosterone affects both our sex drive and the production of red blood cells. While it’s usually associated with men, women also have this hormone in their system. We know that deficiency of this hormone has been linked to erectile dysfunction and low fertility, but it is also connected to reduced bone and muscle density, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

And that’s just one hormone. Many of your health problems can be traced to hormonal issues. Your health relies on a steady production of hormones, and if too much or too little is produced, it could affect your quality of life. We’ve put together a list of things you can do to encourage the natural production of your body’s natural hormones without having to resort to supplements. Read on, educate yourself, and try to apply them to your daily routine for the sake of your health.

1. Get enough sleep

Hormonal imbalance is commonly caused by irregular and unhealthy sleep patterns. Not getting a full eight hours of shuteye can lead to a drop in hormone levels. If you’re regularly sleep-deprived, your hormone levels begin to drop, which leads to health complications.

Fostering healthy sleeping habits is a priority if you want to avoid hormonal deficiency. Make sure you are relaxed at least an hour before heading to bed. Make sure to stop using your phone, computer, or tablet to keep your eyes away from the blue light produced by the screen. You can also buy a massage chair to help you relax.

If sleep just doesn’t come easy to you, we suggest trying some supplements, as long as you’ve consulted a health practitioner about incorporating them into your night routine.

2. Move your body

Regular exercise boosts the body’s ability to produce hormones. Research has shown that people who engage in regular physical activity have steadier hormone levels. Incorporating exercise into your daily life is as easy as heading out to take a walk or a jog around the neighborhood or taking a bike around. Any physical activity that gets your heart pumping is a-okay.

Exercising can also help you lose weight, but we advise you not to push too hard at the gym. Stressing your body out too much at an unhealthy pace will worsen your hormonal imbalance, as your cortisol (or stress hormones) levels can overwhelm your body. Aim for a regimen that focuses on building strength and muscle mass instead of quick, high-intensity workouts.

3. Adopt a healthier diet

The key to a sparkling bill of health is a balanced diet. Eating processed and fatty food will make you gain weight, lower hormone levels, and lead to obesity and other illnesses. Being more mindful of what you eat may seem like a chore sometimes, but in the long run, it’s the wiser choice if you want to keep your hormones balanced.

Inconsistencies in diet can also cause fluctuations in hormone production. If you switch rapidly between, say, a Keto diet and intermittent fasting, your body will have a hard time keeping up with the changes in food and nutrition intake, leading to impaired production of key hormones. When in doubt, stick to the basics: eat your greens and carbs with a side of fats and proteins.

woman meditating

4. Practice meditation

A big factor that causes hormonal levels to dip is stress. Stress has been proven to be one of the main culprits behind many illnesses. People often experience chronic pains, stomach aches, and various mental illnesses because of too much stress, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it can harm hormone production.

Constant stress can trigger the body to produce more cortisol, the stress hormone. At moderate levels, cortisol helps with the body’s metabolism, but too much of it can halt hormonal production.

Meditation can help ease stress and allow your mind to refocus itself. Giving your mind a simple task like deep breathing exercises for a few minutes can greatly affect your body and help ease anxiety. There are many sources online for guided meditation, which can be helpful if you find it hard to meditate on your own. Setting a regular time of day to meditate will make it easier for you to add it to your daily routine.

A final word

Beating hormonal deficiency through natural means is possible as long as you are mindful of your health and wellness. There are many other methods that you can try, and you won’t even have to try hormone therapy or medication. A few changes to your lifestyle, like getting enough sleep, eating right, moving around, and breathing, can improve your health by leaps and bounds.

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