I Focused on Improving the My Sleep and the Results are Amazing

I’ve always felt tired and lacking the energy to do all the work that I need to do in a day, despite getting a seven-hour sleep a night. I initially thought that setting a time to sleep to get enough rest was all I needed to do. It turns out, there were other factors I needed to consider, too.

Bed Comfort Matters – A Lot

Further research led me to understand how the sheets that I use can actually affect the quality of my sleep. I also noticed how particular I am about the smoothness of my sheets, that I feel more comfortable when I’m lying on soft, silky sheets.

This prompted me to buy bamboo pillows and sheets, which are known for its softness and smoothness without feeling slippery. The comfort level of my bed went up, quite significantly. Not only does the sheets feel pleasant to the touch, but it’s also made with naturally breathable material. So it stays cool and comfortable, even during warmer days and nights. Aside from that, bamboo sheets have natural anti-bacterial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause skin irritation, and it stays fresh and clean longer. The result: better sleep at night and more restful naps during the day.

My Diet Can Affect My Sleep


I used to load up on caffeine in the morning to compensate for the lack of energy that I experience during the day. Apparently, improving the comfort level of my bed helped eradicate this problem, and I, slowly but surely, got back on track.

I felt much better every day. I made sure this was going to be continuous progress by changing my eating habits and being mindful about my diet as well. As I’ve been able to sleep so much better, I’ve also been able to do more during the start of my day.

I now have a few minutes of quiet time upon waking up and having a healthy breakfast. This new morning routine has made me feel more energized and more systematic. It has positively affected the rest of my day: I am more efficient, and my memory has improved as well.

Gone are the days I suffer from brain fog.

There Must Be a Time for Exercising and Winding Down

Lastly, I set aside 10 minutes a day for exercise. I now end my day with this 10-minute session at home and wind down by reflecting on my day and creating my to-do list for the next day. I’ve also made it a point to sit down for a nice dinner, albeit by myself, and avoid food that can affect my ability to have a good night’s sleep.

I have also included food items in my diet, that are known to help regulate the production of sleep hormones, resulting in a healthier and better way to train my body to sleep.

Since improving my bed comfort and doing these two daily habits religiously, I felt more energized throughout the day and more productive at work, too. These things have had a positive ripple effect in other areas of my life.

I never expected to make these small, simple changes can have this much impact on my day-to-day. And I’m happy I made all these changes, now I’m reaping the rewards of it!

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