Root Chakra Yoga Poses

  • Chakras are energy centers that let life force flow through our bodies for serenity
  • You have 7 main chakras, each influencing a different part of your body
  • The Muladhara chakra is the base of your chakra system, but it isn’t the only chakra
  • Yoga practice helps keep your chakra energy center aligned, as well as improve your overall health.

When your system is aligned and your energy flows freely, you feel like you can take on any obstacle thrown your way. Emotions are in check and stable, and peace and calmness are infectious. As opposed to this, when your root chakra energy is out of balance, you tend to skitter all over the place. Your thoughts run rabid, your priorities are way out of order, and the effects of this are detrimental to your personal care.

By bringing serenity and sturdiness to your root chakra, the unconscious parts of your mind will work like a well-oiled machine, and you may unlock your overall energy potential. One of the methods you can use to restore balance to your system is doing root chakra yoga poses.

Continue reading to learn more about how you can bring serenity to your body and educate yourself on the power the root chakra yields.

What Is a Chakra?

The word chakra refers to the energy center that engages both the physical and metaphysical bodies in yoga practices. The literal translation of chakra is “wheel,” and you can visualize the chakras as free-flowing positive energy wheels.

The chakras offer a flow to prana- a breath of life that runs through every living being. Every chakra influences a designated part of the body, whether part of the endocrine or nervous system. Chakras are connected through nadis – ‘rivers’ in Sanskrit – which are so-called energy pathways within us.

There are seven main chakras along your spine starting at its base and extending to the crown of your head. According to some cultures, the number of these wheels in your body is 114, but the seven main chakras are the ones that most traditions reach an agreement on.

When a chakra is blocked, it can lead to severe repercussions for your physical and mental health. Each chakra depends on the health and energy flow of the other chakras to function smoothly. When any of the chakras become blocked, the energy flow throughout the body is disturbed.

What Is the Root Chakra?

The root chakra (Muladhara) is the first chakra in the system, located at the base of your spine. The name itself means root and is associated with the color red, reminiscent of the ground.

Muladhara is home to your sense of stability, groundedness, familial relationships, the masculine energy surrounding protection, and most importantly, your feeling of home.

To keep your Muladhara in check, you can:

  • Use different visualization techniques to ground yourself
  • Incorporate red in your wardrobe- specifically in the lower portion of your body, and
  • Do yoga poses that target this chakra.


15 Best Yoga Poses For Root Chakra

Let’s look at some proven ways to unlock your full potential via the root chakra:

1) Staff Pose – Supta Dandasana

This pose is a simple one, where you lay down with your spine flat on the ground while feeling your earth element and raising your legs above, perpendicular to the ground. Your arms should rest to the sides or along the side of your body. If you find it straining, you may practice this pose with your legs reclined against a wall.

2) Accomplished Pose – Siddhasana

The Siddhasana is a seated pose. Start by sitting on the ground and moving your right heel inwards, to your groin, as close as is comfortable. Your right foot should press on your inner left thigh. Bring your left foot in and place it on top of the right calf. By now, your ankles should be crossed, and you should place the palms of your hands gently on your thighs. Breathe and focus on the chakra system in your entire body, starting from the base at the root chakra.

3) Pigeon Pose – Kapotasana

The “Pigeon Pose” is a popular one. It targets the hip flexors aside from unblocking the root chakra. Get into a half-split position where your front leg’s calf is placed on the ground, heel pointing inwards, and the other leg is stretched in the back, heel facing the sky. The earth beneath should allow you to experience the body’s natural flow of energy and the Muladhara chakra activating.

4) Goddess Pose – Utkata Konasana

Utkata Konasana is a standing pose, where your lower body is in a variation of the squat position, whilst your arms are standing at shoulder height, hands reaching upwards. It’s known as the “Goddess Pose” because it’s said to aid in connecting with your feminine energies. The root chakra is stimulated while your core is engaged, enabling you to strengthen your physical body while unblocking your Muladhara chakra.

5) Warrior Pose – Virabhadrasana

Being one of the most popular yoga lunge poses, the “Warrior Pose” requires your heels to be aligned and your front knee to be at a 90-degree angle with your thigh parallel to the floor. Hold the toes of the back leg at a 45-degree angle. You may widen your stance if you need more stability.

This is an excellent pose to open up your chakra system and breathe deeply while keeping your entire body engaged.

6) Tree Pose – Vrikshasana

As the name suggests, the end result of the pose has the practitioner looking like a tree. It requires you to stand on one leg while the other leg is lifted up, and one foot is placed on the inner thigh of the leg you’re standing on. In this pose, your hands are held above your head, the palms touching each other, which makes this one of the best arm poses even though our target is the Muladhara chakra. The one-legged stance allows you to feel firmly rooted and connected to the earth beneath your foot.

7) Dancer Pose – Natarajasana

The “Dancer Pose” is one that requires balance and focus. It starts off with lifting your right leg back while you hold the ankle with your right hand. Your left hand should be pointed forward, the arm parallel to the floor. You might lean forward a bit, but it’s no issue. Hold this stance for a few breaths, then repeat on the left side.

A blocked root chakra stands no chance when you employ poses like this.

8) Forward Bend – Uttanasana

The standing forward fold is a great way to stretch out your hamstrings while relaxing and focusing on the root chakra. Slowly bend forward with your hips placed over your ankles and bend your knees ever so slightly in order to avoid hyperextension. Focus on bringing your chest closer to your knees while placing your hands at the back of your ankles.


9) Garland Pose – Malasana

The “Garland Pose” is a favorite for many practitioners. The squatting position not only helps the root chakra but benefits your hips, digestive system, and lower back. Get into this pose by placing your hands in a prayer pose and squatting down without moving your hands or feet. The feet should be aligned with your shoulders for this pose. If you find it strenuous, you can always use a yoga block.

10) Happy Baby Pose – Ananda Balasana

This pose grants the calmness factor for the root chakra- it relieves you from tension and stress. It’s the ideal pose to do before going to sleep. It begins with lying flat on the ground and then touching your chest with your knees. Hold the outsides of your feet while widening your knees and keeping your shins at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Gently push your hands up with your feet while pulling your feet down with your hands. You may rock side to side while in this pose to further relieve tension and regain emotional stability.

Not only is this pose great for the Muladhara chakra – it’s also one of the best baby yoga poses!

11) Crescent Moon – Anjaneyasana

A usual follow-up to the “Downward-facing Dog Pose,” the “Crescent Moon Pose” works wonders for relaxing the psoas and quad muscles. Get into this pose by starting in a low lunge pose. Lift your arms toward the sky and slowly bend your spine backward. Bend as far back as it is comfortable. Keep this pose for a few breaths before switching legs.

12) Easy Pose – Sukhasana

This is one of the easiest poses on this list – as the name says it! The key to this pose is focusing on the energy you want to exchange with the earth below you. Cross your legs with your hands resting on your knees. Take deep breaths through your nose with long exhales. Feel the energy coursing through your spine, from the base to the crown of your head, while releasing energy you deem unnecessary.

13) Mountain Pose – Tadasana

Similar to the previous pose, the “Mountain Pose” doesn’t require much physically. Instead, it requires you to ground yourself mentally and feel the prana rush through the bottom of your feet to your head. To do this pose, you have to stand up straight, with good posture, feet parallel to your hips, and arms along the sides of your body. Feel grounded and visualize the prana wrapping around your root chakra.

14) Head to Knee Bend Pose – Janu Sirsasana

There are a few variations to this pose, but we’ll discuss the simplest one. Sit on the ground with your legs laid forward. Bring one leg inward, foot toward your perineum, as close as is comfortable for you. After this, take a deep breath, and while exhaling stretch forward and grasp the front foot with your arms. Bring your head as close to your knee as possible to feel the quad muscles and hamstrings get an intense stretch.

15) Sun Salutations – Surya Namaskar

One of the most widely practiced, the sun salutation sequence is composed of twelve different asanas. The sequence is usually practiced at dawn and includes the following sun salutations:

  • Prayer Pose,
  • Standing Forward Fold,
  • Low Lunge,
  • Plank Pose,
  • Eight Limbed Salute,
  • Cobra Pose,
  • Downward-facing Dog Pose, and
  • Upward Salute.

Signs of Imbalance in Root Chakra

Your root chakra may be imbalanced or even blocked if you seem to be experiencing any of the following:

  • Strained communication with family
  • Chronic health issues
  • Lack of appropriate interpersonal boundaries
  • The impression of being out of place
  • Eating disorders or appetite loss
  • Constant fatigue
  • Difficulty saving money
  • The feeling of disconnect from one’s surroundings
  • Greed and fixation on money
  • Crisis of identity
  • Lack of confidence.

Health Benefits Of Root Chakra Yoga Poses

The health benefits of root chakra yoga poses are plentiful and not only intended for the root chakra but for all seven chakras. The benefits for your physical body are: getting a good stretch, improving your flexibility, hormone regulation, nervous system stimulation, strength, and extra energy.

The invisible perks, i.e., the mental and spiritual benefits, include:

  • Heightened focus.
  • Sharp and clear thoughts.
  • Being grounded and stable.
  • Enhanced cognitive function.
  • Being in tune with the universe.

As you can see, a balanced root chakra is a solid foundation for a healthy body. The whole body benefits because the root chakra is deeply connected to every aspect of the chakra system. Yoga practice is just one of the ways to keep it active and unblocked as a chakra energy center, so look into yoga power poses to improve health and be in the present moment.


Cultivating your relationship with the Muladhara chakra, whether via physical yoga postures, visualizations, or physically connecting with the ground beneath, can help you establish a foundation within your own body you can carry with you everywhere.

We hope this has been helpful and that you try these poses to treat your root first chakra energy center to a much-needed recharge!

Root Chakra Poses – FAQs

1) Is the “Tree Pose” good for root chakra?

Yes – it allows you to feel connected to the ground while keeping you focused and engaged with the feeling of energy flowing from the sole of your foot up to your fingertips.

2) What foods are good for root chakra?

Red foods, as well as foods that are roots themselves, are all beneficial for your Muladhara chakra.

3) How do I know if my root chakra is blocked?

If you’re experiencing restlessness, chronic fatigue, little to no appetite, communication issues, and obsession with material things, you may have a problem with your root chakra.

4) What organs does the root chakra control?

The root chakra controls the organs of elimination, the bottom of the feet, and the adrenal glands.

5) How long does it take to unblock the root chakra?

It depends on the condition of the Muladhara chakra, what is causing the blockage, and how much you’re willing to commit to unblocking it.

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