Types and Materials of Pool Safety Fences

The swimming pool is a strong design point in the midst of a well-landscaped yard. However, it can be dangerous if proper fencing is not installed. Proper fencing is especially important in a home or wherever there are children.

Designers may struggle with incorporating this element of safety into a yard because it can be unattractive for a home’s aesthetic. However, there are ways to improve the look of a fence and to help them blend with the design of the rest of the yard. Designers can determine the best type of fence to install after assessing the homeowner’s site and lifestyle.

No national standards exist for the dimensions and installation of pool fences. Instead, pool owners must adhere to appropriate state and local guidelines. Homeowners can easily put up DIY pool fences because fence manufacturers provide varieties of fencing styles and premade panels for installation without the help of a professional.

Types of Pool Fences

Swimming pool fence

Perimeter Fence – A perimeter fence surrounds the yard itself. It circles the boundary to prevent access into and out of the closed yard and pool. It can also serve as a pool safety fence if it adheres to the requirements set by the state’s safety codes.

Interior Fence – An interior fence encloses only the pool area. The rest of the yard is open and accessible to general use.

Removable Fence – A removable fence can be partially or wholly removed for a short or prolonged period of time. When lightweight vertical poles and the attached plastic mesh fencing is removed, the swimming pool area is enlarged and the house and the yard become a single space. This is suitable for homeowners to throw yard or pool parties. In addition, a removable fence can manage children’s access to the pool to provide safety for them while they are young. When they become old enough, the fence can be taken down for a perimeter fence.

Gates – No pool fence will be complete without a gate. Its latch should be inside the enclosure and affixed high enough so young children are unable to reach it.

Materials of Pool Fences

The majority of pool fences are made from tubular aluminum or powder coated steel. Aluminum is a suitable choice because it eliminates the development of rust. Its finish is able to withstand the moisture and chemicals that may be found in the pool environment. Aluminum pool fences are available in several styles and colors. They can be ornamental and have smooth tops or decorative spikes. Their open design allows for circulation into the enclosure.

Pool fences can be created with wood or vinyl materials. Fences with solid walls allow for privacy while in the swimming pool. Any pool fence that is not solid should not have openings that are wider than four inches. This reduces the risk of young children getting their heads stuck in the fence.

Designers and homeowners have to balance proper compliance with safety requirements and the visual appeal and design of a fenced yard and pool.

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