Using Extra Space: Is a Home Gym Right for You?

Whether it’s in an attempt to improve your fitness or simply a way to make use of some extra space in your place, a home gym can be a great practical idea that has many benefits. That said, it is still an endeavor that takes money, effort, and time to build up, so you have to make sure that it’s something you can really pursue and make use of. You don’t really want to have one of those situations where the home gym becomes a showroom of equipment collecting dust.

As early as 2006, 80% of those buying exercise equipment were already individuals (especially around the new year season). Still, it also meant thousands of dollars going to equipment that would be abandoned in a few months.

If you’re considering building one yourself but aren’t sure how to make it right for you and keep it up, here are some things to consider and try.

Make sure you have ample space for the equipment you want

You don’t want to buy too much equipment, and it’s good to remember while you’re shopping that you don’t need to fill every space with something. Figure out what kinds of gear you’d need for the types of exercises you’ll actually be doing on the regular. It’s also best to make sure you pick a room that doesn’t feel cramped. If you’re making some changes to the home, remodeling contractors can help you figure out the perfect size and layout for the gym you have envisioned. This way, the space is thought out, has room between pieces of equipment, and gives you enough floor area to move around and lay down a mat comfortably.

Fit exercise into your daily agenda

Now is a good time to ask yourself, “Do I feel motivated to exercise even without the home gym?”

It’s important to have the mindset for working out. Though having the equipment right in your vicinity can make it easier and more accessible, it is not necessarily enough to motivate you if you’re not exactly pumped to do it. Even while you build your home gym, make sure you already find ways to incorporate exercise into your routine every day. This starts off a habit and makes it easier to go that extra push and try out all those things you’ve set up in the gym.

Create an inviting environment to work out in

It’s hard to focus and feel productive when your environment bogs you down or distracts you. The beauty of the home gym is that it takes away the shyness and hesitation that most people often have when thinking of going to a public gym. Research shows that a third of people aged 18 to 35 don’t go to the gym because they feel too self-conscious. Besides that, make it more conducive to a stellar workout by wearing the right clothes, playing some pumped-up music, and making sure the space doesn’t feel too cluttered and dim.

Find an exercise buddy

excercise buddies

As comfortable as it can be to have the option of solace, it can also make it that much harder to want to work out, especially if you’re a naturally social creature or you don’t feel that motivated on your own. Having someone you feel comfy exercising with can help you keep things fun, feel more motivated, keep track of your progress, and establish consistency. It’s harder to back out when you’ve already got someone waiting on you to show up for the scheduled workout, even if it is just a few feet away from the temptations of the couch. Just make sure your buddy isn’t the type to invite you to skip it altogether.

Set fitness objectives

It can be easier to maintain a habit when working towards a goal. This makes it something you can track, so you can manage your expectations and always have an objective in mind to keep you from feeling like you’re just floating. Setting fitness goals can also help you to map out a work-out regimen that will help you work your way through the various pieces of equipment you have set up so that none of them go to waste. Keep them easy to measure instead of broad, so you can really start checking things off the list as you go on.

If you can tap into these, you may be able to maximize that home gym you want. Otherwise, it may be a wasted investment for you. So consider what you should have to make the most out of it.

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