Going Green: Sustainable Landscaping Basics for Your Home and Office

Realizing how much waste we make and how much it has affected the environment, many organizations and corporations have started “going green”. As such, recent developments in manufacturing, agriculture, and even architecture have focused on sustainability and making the least amount of waste and recycling as much as possible. So even with gardens and parks, the concept of sustainability is being incorporated to make to lessen wastewater and trash. The practice of sustainable landscaping has become more popular in the design and management of home and commercial landscapes.

Sustainable Landscaping

Sustainable landscaping is the practice of designing and creating healthy, aesthetically-pleasing, and economic self-sustaining landscapes that would generate less waste and utilize recycling. Sustainable landscaping focuses on the smart planning of plants, water usage, and eco-friendly/recycled building materials, and reduced use of chemicals.

Why You Should Practice Sustainable Landscaping

Whether you’re implementing it at your home’s front/backyard, or in your commercial establishment’s garden/park, there are advantages to practicing sustainable landscaping:

Energy and Utility Cost.

Having trees in your property can produce shade, shielding your home or building from sunlight that would increase the ambient temperature, and thus effectively cooling the shaded area. As such, your air conditioning system wouldn’t have to work as hard to keep your home/building cool, thus lowering your electric bill.

Saving Water.

Sustainable landscape designs often introduce irrigation and water harvesting to avoid needing fresh water to be pumped in to keep your garden/park’s plants healthy. Additionally, sustainable landscaping entails the careful selection of plants that are adapted or native to your area and weather conditions that don’t need extra maintenance or irrigation. Sustainable landscaping seldom uses grassy areas and wide lawns that require a lot of water and fertilizer to maintain. The use of rainwater harvesters in your home or establishment can also be quite beneficial for your sustainable landscape.

Support local ecosystems. 

Sustainable landscaping uses native plants which invites local birds, animals, and insects to take shelter in your landscape and helps preserve your local ecosystem. Additionally, if your commercial establishment is known to support the environment and labeled as “green”, it could help attract more customers or improve brand/business loyalty.

Reduces the cost of building landscapes. 

The materials used for landscapes are often reused or recycled, which are relatively cheaper. Some establishments even use broken concrete and metal from demolished buildings. This way, there’s no need for one use of new materials and would reduce waste.

Produce and Recycle Food. 

A lot of sustainable landscaping projects use fruit or vegetable plants that can provide your home with extra food, and something your commercial/business establishment can take advantage of in marketing. Additionally, the practice of sustainable landscaping makes use of composting to recycle food waste as fertilizer for your garden and landscape.


Rooftop garden in urban setting

Sustainable landscaping is an economical and eco-friendly way to beautify your home or commercial establishment. Having a sustainable landscape or garden in your home or office can be a DIY project as there are many forums, videos, and seminars/training available for anyone interested. If you don’t have the time, equipment, or expertise to design and create a sustainable landscape for your office or home in Washington, you could always contact your local landscape construction company in Spokane to professionally assist you.

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