5 Activities to Add to Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

It won’t be long before April rolls around, and you know what it means: spring cleaning. Perhaps you’ve already prepared a checklist.

But if you want to be more committed to the task, make sure you include the following:

1. Have Your Boilers Checked

The UK has one of the coldest winters in the world. And with the pandemic still around, you must have likely stayed home most of the months in 2020, even from December to January. Appliances like your boiler might have worked double or triple time.

That’s okay as boilers are tough. Their average lifespan is between 10 and 15 years. However, if you can’t take care of them, they can also break down way earlier than expected. You may need to replace them this year, and this can be pricey.

Instead of spending your cash on what could have been an unnecessary expense, opt for a yearly boiler service. Legitimate teams can send you certified engineers to inspect the unit and perform the necessary repairs.

2. Declutter

This may sound like rehashed advice, but you will be surprised how many Brits accumulate stuff in their homes. In one study in 2018, homeowners in the country hoarded over £48 billion worth of things they hardly ever used. About 19% still owned a VHS!

Moreover, many types of research point out that clutter can increase the risk of stress. It redirects your focus from what is essential and wears you down with frustration and burnout. Some even say that it may be a reflection of the state of mind.

The simplest (although not necessarily the easiest) way to declutter is to take heed from Marie Kondo:

  • Assess every object according to its ability to spark joy in your life.
  • Do not do it by room. Instead, declutter according to your belongings. Kondo suggests starting with clothes and then segregating memorable items last since they have the greatest attachment in your life. (You will likely take more than a day figuring them out.)
  • Gather these belongings in one place and start choosing which ones to keep.
  • For the rest, decide if you will donate, sell, or throw them away.

3. Pay Attention to Your Roof

roof maintenance

Besides your boiler, your roof, and, by extension, the gutter needs some love as well. Depending on the material, they can last for over 30 years. But they can also experience rusting and leaking, among a host of problems, for many reasons.

One of the most common causes or risks is the formation of ice dams. During winter, snow can accumulate throughout the roof, including around the edges.

Come springtime, the increasing levels of heat from the attic or underneath the roof will eventually heat the snow, causing it to melt. However, the remaining ice caps on the edges will prevent the water from flowing into the gutter and the ground. Instead, it can find its way inside.

The presence of water can increase the levels of moisture, causing mustiness and a feeling of dampness. It may also worsen humidity.

To maintain your roof well, schedule a checkup and repair (if necessary) at least once a year. Although you can DIY the inspection, doing so boosts your risks of injuries.

4. Dust Every Nook and Cranny

Spring is one of the most opportune times to get rid of itty-bitty remains of dust, which can accumulate everywhere. Don’t just vacuum carpets and rugs. Check the corners of the ceiling, lift some furniture and fixtures.

If you live in a congested or urban area, if you own a pet or have children, or if you maintain a garden, the more you need to spend a lot of time getting rid of dust.

Not many people know that dust is a collection of many things, including organic materials like dead skin cells, soil, and pollen. When their number increases, they can potentially worsen the quality of indoor air. They can also likely cause allergic reactions and other respiratory diseases.

5. Start Making or Investing in Natural Cleaners

Do you ever pay attention to the type of cleaner you use? Most likely, you don’t. However, a growing number of household and commercial cleaners contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health, belongings, and the environment.

These include formaldehyde, ammonia, and even triclosan, a popular active ingredient in disinfectants, hand soaps, and detergents. Although it is antimicrobial, studies have shown it may disrupt endocrine hormones, among other probable health problems.

Use this season to create natural cleaners or look for local, sustainable brands that make them.

If there’s one thing 2020 has taught you, it could be that your home needs more care than you’re giving it. This season is your best chance to do so.

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