5 Ways You Are Damaging Your Skin

Keeping your skin healthy is not only important for your confidence and self-esteem, but it is also a vital factor in taking care of your overall health. Skin conditions like acne or discoloration may be mere blemishes for some, but disorders like hives and dermatitis can be more than just a superficial issue.

That said, if you want to keep your skin healthy and looking great, here are the habits that you need to stop doing—and what you can do instead:


Shaving leads to some of the most annoying skin conditions there are, like razor bumps, irritation, and blisters, among many others. Although it is the easiest and quickest way to get rid of body hair, it is often better to go with the alternatives to maintain your physical image and avoid pain.

Instead of shaving, go to a waxing salon and have your body hair waxed off by a professional. This method of body hair removal leads to slower and thinner hair growth, which means you won’t have to shave as often or even at all. It also does not cause razor bumps and results in little to no itching afterward.

Switching skincare products constantly

Yes, it may take a little trial and error before you find the products that work best for your skin, but constantly switching from product to product can do more harm than good. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin. If it is regularly exposed to new chemicals with little recovery time in between, there is a large risk of making your skin conditions worse.

Furthermore, it can take time before a product shows visible results. So instead of constantly switching, wait for a few months instead of just a few weeks before switching to a new product if you notice that the current one does not result in progress. However, if your skin reacts negatively to a particular product, it may be best to stop using it as soon as possible.


Exfoliating is great for your skin because it eliminates dead skin cells, helps prevent clogged pores, and minimizes the chance of breakouts. Regular exfoliation can also increase collagen production, a protein essential for promoting skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines.

However, too much exfoliation can damage the outer layer of skin and cause irritation, breakouts, and even pain when applying skincare products. If you are guilty of this habit, here is what you should do instead: exfoliate your skin two to three times a week only as long as your skin can manage it. If you are unsure how much exfoliation your skin can tolerate, it is probably best to consult a dermatologist.

man rubbing ointment on hand

Showering in very hot water/spending too much time in the shower

Showering in hot water is a great way to relieve pain and relax your muscles. However, it is also a great way to strip moisture and oil away from not just your skin—but your hair as well. This can leave your skin with a bad balance of moisture, oil, fat, and protein necessary to keep it healthy.

Instead of hot water, keep your showers cool or lukewarm. Ensure that your skin is not red after you hop out of the shower. Moreover, avoid spending too much time in the water to keep your skin from pruning.

Using too many products

Everyone’s skin has a certain threshold of how many products it can tolerate. Again, determining the right number may take a bit of trial and error, especially if your skin is sensitive.

A standard skincare routine with cleanser, toner, and moisturizer is a great place to start. You can also add a serum and a mask if you want. However, be careful not to use too many products on your skin. Otherwise, you may inadvertently cause a negative reaction on your skin, and layering on too many products means that some of them won’t penetrate your skin as effectively.

Instead, stick to a simple routine that works best for you. Try to limit your products to three or five (or six if your skin is not particularly sensitive), and avoid adding unnecessary steps to your skincare regimen.

More often than not, these habits do more harm than good for your skin. If you are guilty of some or all of these, it’s high time that you kick them to the curb and pursue the healthier alternatives instead.

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