6 Times You’re Wrong About Metal Roofs

Metal roofing has a checkered reputation.

The value of the global metal roofing market is on track to surpass the $20-billion mark by 2025. In the United States, its residential market share exploded from 3.7% in 1998 to 16% in 2016.

Both uninsulated and insulated roofing systems made from metal have been experiencing a renaissance of interest in the 21st century.

However, the stock of metal roofing dropped over most of the last 200 years. The last time it was considered the primary material of choice for many structures in the country was in the 19th century.

The advent of asphalt shingles has affected the appeal of metal roofing panels to ordinary homeowners. Many of us have been solely fixated on the relatively costly price tag of metal roofing products without really thinking about what we’ll be paying for.

Until we fully understand what metal roofing is all about, we can’t wisely compare it to other materials. For starters, let’s debunk the usual misconceptions about metal roofs below.

1. They All Rust

Every metal undergoes corrosion. And rusting, the layperson’s term for iron oxide, is only one of the many examples of it. As its name implies, this phenomenon only happens in iron and its alloys.

If you’re buying a roof made from steel or any other iron-containing metal alloy, rust is a definite concern. But it would be remiss of you if you think that manufacturers haven’t figured out to make their products rustproof.

From durable paint to proper maintenance, you could protect your metal roofing system from rust and allow it to last until the end of its life span.

2. They Draw Lightning


Metal is an electric conductor, but it doesn’t attract lightning bolts. Lightning usually considers height, not material, when choosing an object to hit and reach the ground with the least resistance.

If you think about it, metal’s excellent fire resistance makes it even safer than more popular roofing materials on the market.

3. They Make a Lot of Sound in the Rain

Irrespective of the material, roofs can get loud in a torrential downpour. To decrease outdoor noise, invest in adequate insulation. This way, you won’t hear the racket raindrops make when they touch the roof.

4. They Are Susceptible to Hail Damage

No roofing material is immune to the effects of hail. Some products only have enhanced characteristics to absorb the impact of the destructive ice pellets falling from the sky at a high velocity.

Although a metal roof may have dents and scratches after a hail event, any damage isn’t likely to lead to leakage. If you pick the right roof color, slight denting may not even be noticeable.

5. They Transfer Heat Significantly

Metal is considered a cool roofing material. It won’t make your house cooler in the winter or hotter in the summer, but insufficient insulation and poor ventilation will.

In reality, metal reflects infrared light and doesn’t store up solar energy. In other words, it doesn’t allow the little amount of heat it absorbs to transfer to the rest of the property.

Metal, as a roofing material, is not without flaws. It’s arguably the closest the perfection, though. If you separate fact from fiction when comparing products, you’ll likely fall in love with it and realize that the cost of metal is worth the expense.

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