Stocking Up: Building a Water Reserve at Home

Water is a necessary resource for all people. A large percentage of your body is made out of that element, and you need a constant supply of it. Otherwise, dehydration will pose serious problems to your health. Although 70% of the world is made up of water, it is a finite resource that needs to be conserved. The world’s population is always growing, which means that more people will be sharing it in the future.

You also need to remember that drought is a real thing, and you will never know when that will hit your area. For that reason, you should think about building a water reserve at home.

Why You Should Have a Water Reserve?

Aside from the aforementioned possibility of a drought, there are other reasons why you should build a water reserve for your home. One of them is for you to have better control of your water usage. Having a pipeline to a utility service can give you a complacent mindset. You know that no matter how long you have your faucet running, you will never run out of water. While that may be mostly true, expect your water bill to go through the roof.

If you have a water reserve, there is this psychological effect of wanting to have the supply in your containers last for a long time before refilling them. You may still continue using your utility service in tandem with your reserve, but your awareness of it should still be a factor in how you use up your supply. Having tighter control over your water usage will lead to more cash savings since that will lower your bill.

Another reason for having a water reserve is supply continuity. You may experience water outages especially when there are repairs going on the major pipes. If you have your own stock of water, this will not be a problem for you.

Low-Cost Containers

Making your own water reserve can be simple if you want to. There are many containers out there that you can use that would not break the bank. Drums made of sturdy plastic or steel are perfect for small living spaces. These can hold more than 50 gallons. If you are a family of about five members or less, two of those should be more than enough to last you in a day. When you are storing them outdoors, make sure to put on a cover. This is to avoid mosquitoes from laying eggs, as the water will become stagnant.

Large Water Tanks

You could be someone who owns a business that requires a larger water reserve. If you are a restaurateur, your establishment needs to use water for washing dishes all day. You could be running a property or space rental business and one of your guarantees could be for your tenants to not experience water outages. Drums would not cut it here, so you should check out the tanks offered by reputable companies such as Hanson Tank. These businesses have large containers that can hold up to more than 1,000 gallons. These can be used as reserves or buffers that hold cold and hot temperatures.

water drip

Under Pressure

For the larger tanks, there has to be a way for them to reach the end of your pipeline. There are two ways to do this. One is to use a pressurized tank. These have air pressure build inside as it is filled with water. That will be the force that pushes the liquid from the tank to your faucet or showerhead.

The other way is to use atmospheric pressure. There are tanks that do not have an internal pressure mechanism. Rather, they use the force of gravity to get the water out of the tank. For this reason, they are usually placed on elevated platforms to let the fluid trickle down naturally to the recipient. For those that are at the same level or lower, you will need a pressure pump to transfer the water.

Keeping it Clean

It is important that your water source is kept clean. If you are using drums as storage, it is best for you to clean them before filling them up. The ideal cleaning agent for it will be bleach. It disinfects and does not leave a strong smell.

For the bigger tanks, they usually have some kind of filter installed that can capture impurities and bacteria. Some of them implement reverse osmosis. This is a filtration method that pushes impure water towards a membrane that only lets clean molecules out the other end.

Having a water reserve relieves you of worries that can stem from the fear of losing supply temporarily. You no longer have to worry about interruptions because you already have some to use when those times come. Conserving resources is to treat them with respect, and you should treat water as such because it is the element that gives life.

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