Finding the Right Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for You

Anorexia nervosa refers to a disease in which the individual maintains an extremely low body weight by abnormally restricting their food intake because they perceive their weight in a distorted manner. When you notice a family member or friend exerting extreme control over their eating habits to cut food out completely or close to it, speak to the individual first and ask them to see their primary care physician, as the video discusses. If they don’t take action, contact their parents, spouse, or trusted adult authority.

A primary care physician conducts tests, including a physical exam, laboratory tests, and a psychological evaluation. The physician becomes the treatment point person, helping the patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa begin a regime of mental health treatment, including regular visits with a psychiatrist.

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In some cases, the patient must enter a hospital, where medical staff feed them intravenously to prevent or attempt to repair organ damage. This action typically results when the patient refuses to consume food normally.

According to a study by the University of California San Francisco, 21% of anorexia patients make a full recovery. Others partially recover but must maintain treatment, such as mental health counseling. According to Eating Disorders Hope, about 20% of anorexia patients die from the disease. Of those, one in five took their own life. If you notice a person close to you restricting their food intake severely, fainting, or experiencing regular constipation, talk to them about anorexia and help them find medical and mental health anorexia nervosa treatment.

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