A Senior’s Guide to Moving

People often hope that they’ve already settled down into their forever homes by the time they reach their golden years. However, there will be times wherein certain circumstances would necessitate that you move out, perhaps to move into your children’s or grandchildren’s homes, or if your retirement plan involves you moving into a more elderly-friendly place. Whichever the case, there’s no question that moving can be quite taxing for seniors, which is why we’ll be taking a look at moving tips that would make things a lot easier for you:

Prepare Yourself

The prospect of moving can be adventurous and exciting, but that’s not always the case. Depending on the circumstances of your move, it can be quite stressful and emotionally taxing. So, before you start planning your move and begin sorting, it’s best that you prepare yourself. Talk with friends and family, or have a professional guide you through this transition. Some seniors who fail to deal with emotionally preparing themselves for major changes such as these end up showing signs of depression and anxiety during, before, and after the moving process, so do take care of yourself first.

Sorting and Downsizing

Over the years, you’ve probably bought and collected a lot of stuff, from furniture to books, to appliances, and clothing. However, as much as we’d like to bring all of these items along with us, sometimes it’s necessary to sort your belongings between those you need to bring and those that you’ll have to get rid of. It’s possible that the new place you’ll be moving to is already fully furnished, so bringing along your furniture and other items won’t be an option. So, take your time, sort through things that you deem are necessary to bring along, and just remember to bring the important things such as paperwork, heirlooms, collections, photo albums, and items of deep sentimental value.

What to Do With Stuff You Won’t Be Needing

So, now that you’ve sorted between items you’ll be bringing and items that you won’t, it’s time to address what to do with the latter. Luckily, you have a lot of options on how to get rid of these things. You can opt to sell them through a garage sale, flea market, consignment shops, and thrift stores, or even sell it online if you’re tech-savvy or have someone to help you out with posting these items for sale online through social media and other sites. Alternatively, you can gift these items to close friends and family or have them donated to schools, soup kitchens, shelters, and non-profit organizations.

Get Help


Packing, lifting, and moving your household items and personal belongings can be physically taxing, and there’s always the risk of injury. So, even if you’re still spry and kicking for your age, it’s best not to risk it. Try to ask help from neighbors, friends, or family to assist you with the heavy lifting. You can offer to pay them for their services with food or allowing them to choose from and keep items that you’ll no longer need such as books, appliances, and furniture that you’ve set aside. Moving can also be quite emotionally and mentally draining, so it’s important that you involve friends and other people with the process to keep your spirits up and to help you out with the sorting as well. The best option is to hire professionals who offer packing and moving services.


Moving can be quite heavy, emotionally and physically, for seniors, which is why you need all the help you can get. So take this advice in mind when you’re starting to sort through your things, and never hesitate to ask for assistance or hire a professional to help you out.

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