Average Siding Repairs May Cost as Low as $300 in 2019

The cost of professional siding repair in Kansas City, MO and other parts of the state may fall within the typical range from around $300 to $1,050.

Homeowners should expect the actual cost to vary based on the type of damages and the kind of siding material. If you used natural stone for your home’s exterior, it will be more difficult and expensive to repair it than fixing damaged vinyl sidings. It’s possible to spend up to $22,500 to repair real stone sidings, so think carefully if the benefits of stone outweigh the cost of maintenance.

A Comparison of Siding Materials

Wooden sidings are easier to repair than stone, but the former requires more frequent upkeep to maintain its aesthetic appeal. You also need to repaint the surface every few years, as well as looking out for signs of decay and pest infestation. If you have aluminum sidings, these require little to no maintenance in exchange for a higher upfront cost of installation or replacement.

It’s better to use a common color for aluminum sidings since it can be difficult to find a replacement if you use a custom-painted one. On the other hand, vinyl is your best option for an affordable, durable and low-maintenance siding.

The Difference Between Cost Estimates and Quotes

Professionals often share expert advice on choosing the best type of siding for your home, although most homeowners simply consult them to ask for price estimates and quotes. Take note that estimates refer to the projected total price of repairs for sidings, including the cost of materials and labor. Most contractors will rely on their recent projects to calculate the expenses. It could be 10% to 15% more or less expensive than their previous jobs.

On the other hand, a project quote is better when making inquiries since it contains an itemized list of expenses and the required tasks for repairs. It becomes a contract once you sign it, so read the document carefully. Look for contractors that offer free quotes to know if it’s cheaper to repair than install a new siding.

Home Preparation

siding construction

Once you pick a contractor, it’s time to prepare your home before they arrive on the scheduled date. There should be no shrubs or trees blocking the part of the house where siding work needs to be done, and make sure that grass is trimmed if the contractor needs to work on the ground. This also allows them to find nails and staples that fall off during repairs.

Put wall art, frames and other delicate items away from the walls behind the repair site. The walls could wobble or shake while work is ongoing, and keep children or pets in a safe room.

Homeowners should consider repairing their exterior sidings only when the total price is less than half of a new installation. It makes more sense to replace the damaged sidings instead of paying for repairs. Remember to ask for at least three quotes from different siding contractors for a better price comparison.

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