The Many Causes of Toothaches and How to Fix Them

If you’ve ever had a toothache, then you know just how painful it can be. Unfortunately, toothaches are a fairly common occurrence, with nearly 3.5 billion people worldwide affected by oral diseases. But what exactly causes toothaches? And more importantly, how can you get rid of them? Read on to find out.

There are many different things that can cause a toothache. Here are some of the most common causes:

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is a common problem that occurs when bacteria build up on your teeth. Plaque then hardens into tartar, which can eat away at your enamel and cause cavities. While this is fairly easy to keep away through proper and regular brushing and flossing, it requires professional help to treat.

If you are experiencing a toothache due to tooth decay, the best thing you can do is see your dentist as soon as possible. Decay can often be treated with a filling, a crown, fluoride treatments, a root canal, or a tooth extraction. However, if it is left untreated, it can progress to a more serious infection. Your dentist will be able to diagnose the extent of the decay and recommend the best course of treatment.

Sometimes, tooth decay sets in because your teeth’s enamel is worn down due to overbrushing or teeth grinding. To prevent this from happening, avoid overbrushing your teeth. If your teeth grind due to misaligned or crooked teeth, see a dentist for Invisalign or braces.

Gum Disease

This is an infection of the gums that can cause them to become red and swollen. Diseased gums often bleed easily, and it is caused by poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two most common gum problems that people experience.


This is a mild gum disease that happens when bacteria builds up on your teeth and forms plaque. Symptoms include red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Gingivitis is often reversible with good oral hygiene practices, such as gurgling and flossing. Try oral care products such as TheraBreath Healthy Gums 24-Hour Oral Rinse mouthwash and the Parodontax Active Gum Repair toothpaste. You can also gargle saltwater to help combat gingivitis.


This is a more serious form of gum disease that is caused by plaque and bacteria build-up in the gums and jawbone. Symptoms include red, swollen, and bleeding gums, as well as bad breath, loose teeth, and receding gums. Periodontitis can often be treated with root planing, scaling, antibiotics, and surgery, but it can also lead to tooth loss, so don’t delay visiting your dentist for this.

A closeup of a man's mouth open showing crooked bottom teeth and decaying molars with cavities

Cracked teeth

A crack in your tooth can allow bacteria to enter and cause an infection. When an infection starts, the pain begins. Cracks can be caused by biting down on hard objects or chewing on ice. For cracked teeth, a visit to a dental clinic is required, as the treatment options are either dental filling or bonding.

Abscessed Teeth

This is an infection at the root of your tooth that can cause serious pain. An abscess is basically a small pocket of pus caused by an infection. Abscesses are often caused by untreated cavities or gum disease. There are many different ways to treat teeth infections, and the best way to find out what will work for you is to see your dentist. Take over-the-counter oral medicine such as ibuprofen or aspirin to help relieve pain and inflammation while you are on your way to a dentist. Additionally, rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution can help keep the area clean and free of infection-causing bacteria.


Bruxism refers to clenching or grinding your teeth. This can put a lot of pressure on your teeth and jaws, and it may eventually lead to a toothache. This is because the grinding wears down the enamel on your teeth. The resulting infection can be treated as how tooth decay and tooth infection are treated, but ultimately, it is more important to treat the cause of bruxism. Most people grind their teeth because they are stressed, caffeine intake, smoking, drugs, or misaligned jaws. Try to relax and avoid smoking, drinking, or doing drugs. If you still grind your teeth, you need to have your jaw checked out.

Bruxism is often related to transferred muscular pain, in which the pain from your muscles is transferred onto your teeth whenever you put pressure or grind your teeth. Always try to loosen your jaw and move it around if you notice yourself clenching it.

Sinus infections

These can sometimes cause pain in your teeth because of the pressure from the swelling in your sinuses. In this case, you have to treat the sinus infection to make the pain subside. There are numerous causes of sinus infections, so if you feel something off with your nose, make sure to get an opinion from a doctor.


If you’re experiencing a toothache, it’s best to see a dentist as soon as possible so that they can diagnose the problem and come up with a treatment plan. In the future, we hope that you will take good care of your oral health — prevention really is better than cure!

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