Clean Surroundings, Clear Mind: How Having Order and Cleanliness Around You is Good for Your Well-Being

Over the past few years, the emphasis on decluttering and organization has caught the attention of a lot of people and worked its way into millions of homes worldwide.

Marie Kondo was onto something.

Cleanliness and order are not just good for aesthetics. It seems they are also beneficial for a person’s overall health and well-being.

If you’re looking for a great excuse to clean your house, have your HVAC undergo testing, adjusting, and balancing, and getting rid of all the clutter, then read on.

A Cluttered House Leads to a Cluttered Mind

In 2010, the scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin noted one study that discussed how 60 women talked about their homes. Those who used the words “cluttered” and “filled with unfinished projects” were all found to be more fatigued and depressed compared to those who felt their homes were “restorative” and “restful.”

These women, as researchers found, had higher levels of cortisol, the hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress. On the other hand, those with tidy homes had a happier disposition and better mental well-being.

A 2011 study conducted by Princeton University researchers found that clutter makes it difficult for a person to focus on a specific task. This distraction is caused by the overwhelming of the visual cortex with objects irrelevant to the task.

Organizing even has a great effect on how a person sleeps. The National Sleep Foundation conducted a survey and discovered that people who take a few minutes every day to make their beds are 19% more likely to report getting better sleep at night. About 75% of those surveyed also reported that having clean sheets helped give them a more peaceful slumber.

DeclutteringChallenges Against Change

For these reasons, one can connect the dots and see the obvious. Organization and cleanliness affect a person’s mental well-being and not just physical health. But what makes it so difficult?

Most people claim that they just don’t have the time to clean up and get organized at home because of their busy schedules. Others say that there’s just too much junk that it’s overwhelming. When they think about how much work they need to do, they quit even before they get started.

These challenges are normal, and quite frankly, a bit commonplace. However, that doesn’t mean that you just need to accept things the way they are. You can do something about it, but you have to make the necessary adjustments.

We understand that organizing can be time-consuming and exhausting, but you can start by building better habits. Take a few minutes each day to clean up a small area at home. Show up for work early or stay a few more minutes after to sort through your desk and papers. Make your bed every day.

Take things one step at a time. For bigger decluttering projects, dedicate one day or a full weekend to get it done. It may be a lot of work but once you start seeing progress and you get things done, you get a greater sense of accomplishment that helps build your self-esteem and confidence. You not only benefit from breathing in cleaner air at home, but you also get to enjoy a greater sense of peace and serenity.

Regardless of the reason, whether its to keep the coronavirus at bay or maintaining an allergen-free home or keeping your sanity intact, keeping your surroundings clean and organized is a good thing.

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