Computer Vision Syndrome: The Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) results from long hours in front of a computer screen. It also comes from inadequate eye care. People who spend lots of time working on computers may experience CVS symptoms. These include eye strain, headaches and nausea.

Most people use their digital devices for hours each day. Only some realize that the screen is causing problems with their vision. So knowledge of the symptoms and causes of CVS is essential. People who spend lots of time in front of computers must know how to handle CVS.

Prevention of Computer Vision

Let’s start with the essential thing: the prevention of CVS.

Use suitable eyeglasses

zoomed in photo of a prescription glasses

Wearing eyeglasses with the correct prescription will prevent eye strain and headaches. If you already wear glasses, get an updated prescription from your optometrist. You may need a stronger prescription for near vision if you spend most of your day at a computer screen. Having the correct prescription allows you to get the perfect prescription eyeglasses online or in a local store.

Adjust your computer settings

An easy way to prevent CVS is by adjusting your computer settings. Adjusting the color settings on your monitor will help reduce eyestrain and headaches. Most monitors have an option in the display settings to adjust brightness and contrast, and other settings.

Take regular breaks

Ideally, every workplace will be designed well enough to prevent worker strain. If not, regular breaks are essential for preventing eyestrain and headaches.

When you take a break from looking at your computer screen, look off into the distance for about 20 seconds. This will help refresh your eyes and reduce eye strain. Get up from your desk every hour to stretch your legs, walk around a little, and get some fresh air.

Use eye drops

Eye drops can help reduce redness, inflammation and discomfort. You should use eye drops at least once a day. This is especially important when you experience symptoms of computer vision syndrome. Use an artificial tear solution if your eyes are mildly irritated from staring at a screen all day.

Causes of Computer Vision

Looking at a digital screen every day

The most obvious cause of computer vision syndrome is looking at a digital screen daily. This includes reading emails, watching videos, and playing video games. The light from your device reflects off the surface of your eye and into the retina, where it can cause damage.

Poor lighting

Another cause of computer vision syndrome is poor lighting. If your office is dimly lit, this can cause eyestrain and headaches. You should always have bright lights on when working with a digital screen. You should set the light at a level that feels comfortable for you.

Uncorrected vision issues

Uncorrected vision issues can also cause computer vision syndrome. If you don’t have glasses or contacts, your eyes may become strained from working on your computer all day. Before using a digital screen, always get an eye exam to ensure your prescription is accurate.

Incorrect prescription eyeglasses

Sometimes, poorly fitted glasses or contact lenses can cause computer vision syndrome. Suppose your prescription is off. In that case, you may have trouble seeing clearly with your glasses on your digital display. You should always make sure that your glasses fit well before wearing them for long periods.

Symptoms of Computer Vision

Eye strain and fatigue

Computer vision syndrome is often accompanied by eye strain and fatigue. You might notice that your eyes feel dry or irritated. They may also feel heavy when you’re working on your computer. These symptoms can signal that you need to take a break from staring at the screen for a while.

Blurry and double vision

You might also notice blurry vision or double vision. If you have these symptoms, get up from your computer and take a break for a few minutes. Then, when you’re ready to work again, adjust the screen so that it’s about arm’s length away from where you sit. This will help reduce eyestrain and fatigue.


Yes, you may have headaches, too. You may get headaches when looking at your computer screen for long periods. Suppose you’re experiencing these symptoms. And suppose they stay on their own after taking a break from computer work. Then it’s best to see an eye doctor immediately.

Itchy, red, or tearing eyes

Staring at the computer screen for long periods can cause your eyes to itch and tear up. You may also notice redness in your eyes or feel burning. These symptoms result from “eye strain.” This happens when your eyes become tired and don’t focus properly on what’s in front of them.

Computer vision syndrome is a common problem. Many people experience this while working on the computer. So you must take frequent breaks and do eye exercises to prevent symptoms from getting worse.

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