7 Exercise Routines for Beginners

You do not need to be an expert to do a decent workout or push yourself to your limits to get the benefits of physical activity. Easy workouts for beginners can often be a better choice when you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. You can do them at home with the right equipment, outdoors or at the gym, wherever is best for you.

Beginner exercise regimes are designed to help build your confidence and create life-long habits.

You do not necessarily need any equipment to get a decent workout. But you can opt to get a few pieces to help bring your workouts to the next level as your ability and strength increases. You can buy hex dumbbells or a set of kettlebells online to help give your exercise regime a boost.

1. Bodyweight Training

This refers to when you work out using the weight of your body to build strength. This could be push-ups (against any surface that allows your body to be at an incline, this could be on the floor or leaning on the bathroom sink if it is strong enough) chair squats or lunges.

These are all relatively easy, low impact exercises that you can start slowly and gradually increase the number of reps you do as your strength and stamina improves.

2. Dancing

women in a group class
Photo by Kaspars Eglitis on Unsplash

Dancing is an exhilarating cardio workout and can have a significant effect on your fitness level if you do it often. It does not matter how you dance, what moves you do or how good you’re at it.

What matters is that you put your all into it and do it with some enthusiasm to get those calories burning. The best thing about a dance workout is that it’s fun! So enjoy it.

3. Online Workouts

If you do not want to go to the gym and would rather exercise at home, then look online for some easy workout routines you can follow along with. There are many free options on YouTube, and you do not need to worry about how you look because you can do it in your living room.

Make sure you have plenty of space to move, and in time you could also introduce some light fitness equipment into your workout.

4. Stair-climbing

There are usually stair masters available at the gym where you can spend plenty of time walking up an unending staircase. But you can save on the gym membership and just use your stairs (if you have one) at home.

Spend 10 minutes walking up and down a flight of steps or use any kind of step or platform. It is always recommended that you take the stairs wherever possible instead of using the elevator, these micro workouts will build up and contribute to an improved level of fitness.

5. Aqua Jogging

This is a great alternative for someone who doesn’t like to walk for long periods of time or has issues with their joints. To get the benefits of jogging whilst reducing the pressure on your knees you can try pool running or aqua jogging.

A lot of public pools will provide the blue belt that you need to keep your upper body afloat to do this workout.

6. Walking

Increasing your heart rate and getting your blood pumping doesn’t always require an intensive or extensive workout. If you’re a beginner and you’re new to exercise, simply increasing your activity levels with manageable exercises like walking can massively improve your cardiovascular health and help you grow your confidence.

Beginners can easily incorporate additional walking into their exercise routines, you can go for a specific walk each day, plan your route and time yourself, so you can monitor your progress, or try walking to work instead.

Get up and about on your lunch break. or if you’re someone who needs to drive, consider parking as far away as possible and walking the rest of the way to your destination. These little changes are the perfect way to incorporate exercise for beginners.

7. Cycling

Maybe you want to ditch the car, but walking to work every day is a little too much? A simple but effective exercise routine for beginners could involve cycling, to get your body moving. Don’t worry, you don’t need tight lycra and a racing bike.

All you need to get yourself started is a standard bicycle that’s in good condition, a helmet and some high visibility additions to your bike and your clothing.

If you’re nervous about cycling on the main roads, plan a route that has cycle paths or lanes that you can use. Alternatively, you can always travel with your bike on public transport or on the back of your car and cycle the rest of the way.

Cycling is an incredibly simple but effective exercise you can introduce into your fitness routine.

Fitness Can Be Easy

woman following an online fitness class
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Exercising for beginners doesn’t have to be complicated or even expensive. Consider some of these simple but highly effective additions to your exercise routine and you’ll soon feel the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

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