Frequently Asked Questions About Student Housing

Education is an important aspect of life. Without it, one might not have the tools to succeed in their career. Acquiring a good education and important life skills aren’t without its challenges, however. One of these challenges is finding a place to live in the meantime while earning one’s degree in a city outside their hometown.

Many students are clueless when it comes to making decisions on their college housing. Without much expert help, they are left to decide on their own and might end up making mistakes. To make sure that doesn’t happen to you, here are some important questions you should know the answer to about student housing.

1. When is the best time to get my student house sorted?

It is easy to get carried away with the excitement of living away from home or give in to some disadvantages of hostel living that people often tell you — one of which is how they get fully booked very quickly.

The truth is, you shouldn’t be in a rush to move into a hostel or dismiss living in one at all. There are lots of hostels in London city centre — enough to accommodate every student.

As for living with people you don’t know very well, take time to relate with people first for you to make the best character judgment. Otherwise, you might end up with people you do not like.

2. How do I choose who to live with in the Uni?

Did you know that your best friend might not be the best living partner? Yes, some friends are only cool to hang out with. The best way to choose a living partner is to look at compatibility. Do you have almost the same routines and values?

The three things that people disagree about often are finances, partners staying over and noise. If you two agree on these three things, then it’s safe to say you are compatible as roommates.

3. Should I live in a big house with many people or a small house with few people?

This comes down to your accommodative nature and how much you can tolerate. A big house with many people will mean more disagreements and more characters to adjust living with. Is that something you can live with?

If not, go for a small house with few people at least until you get used to living with people from all walks of life.

4. How is the cost of living in London?

Big Ben London

The cost of living in London is generally high and so most students find shared housing to be a cheaper alternative. Shared housing just requires you to be open-minded and accommodative. To be able to afford living in London comfortably, some look for part-time or freelance jobs to support themselves financially.

Of course, these are only among the questions you have to ask in a bid to make an informed choice when you are on the lookout for your student accommodation. Follow the tips mentioned above and you will surely be on the right track.

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