Embracing the Art of Slow Travel: A Guide for Novice Travelers

The pandemic may have given rise to one good thing: slow travel. Because of lockdowns and restrictions, many tourists had to stay longer than planned in one city. Instead of the usual frenetic, crammed itineraries, travelers found themselves soaking in one sight, one environment — one slow day at a time.

Slow travel is the epitome of leisurely vacations because you take your time with every experience, from bonding with family you haven’t seen in a long while to exploring a new city on your own.

But how do you do it?

because of how speedy everything is, slow traveling is an opportunity for travelers to consider their mental well-being.

How to Travel Slowly

It’ll take time to become familiar with slow travel, considering it might go against some of your principles regarding traveling. However, once you get the hang of these tips, slow traveling will be as easy as breathing.

  1. Pack Light

Lugging around heavy baggage can bring down anyone’s mood. Granted, there’s nothing wrong with overpacking when you think about all sorts of emergencies you might find yourself in during your trip. However, slow traveling emphasizes your comfort. You bringing such a heavy burden will only ruin the purpose of traveling right from the get-go.

Leave the excess behind. Only pack the bare minimum, such as indoor and outdoor outfits, a couple of underwear sets, and your electronic devices. Naturally, what you want to bring with depends on your preferences. But whatever you do, your baggage must be limited to a carry-on.

This way, you can easily make your way inside any mode of transportation. Having a small suitcase even lets you enjoy the Golden Gate Bridge or Statue of Liberty in its full glory when traveling by train from Orlando to New York, regardless of how busy it gets.

  1. Set A Budget

Many travelers are gradually adopting the concept of slow traveling because of its sustainability. Considering slow travelers took ‘slow’ to another level, they’re often found staying at their destination for an extended time. Hence, before you decide to get up and leave, your budget is the only thing you need to plan for your trip.

Determine how much you’ll need for transportation and food. Look for deals or discounts that could reduce your travel fees. And for those who are up to the challenge, consider traveling by foot or bike if you want to lower your fees even further. Decide what kind of lodging you want, whether it’s a homestay or renting an accommodation.

Once you’ve set down a rough estimate of your travel fees, plan how you can create more money during your stay. Thus, having remote work before your trip is highly recommended. If they don’t have one, slow travelers can also check their destination to see if any establishments are looking for new hires. That way, you have a steady flow of income, despite staying somewhere foreign.

  1. Limit Itineraries

Making an itinerary before a big trip is meant to keep your traveling organized and ensure you get the most out of your destination. But because your itinerary’s pressuring you at the back of your mind, you might push yourself to try everything out, regardless of fatigue. Therefore, as soon as you have your budget planned out, limit your itinerary—or at least plan an extremely minimal one.

Having that kind of layout encourages more freedom for you to do whatever you want from start to finish. Spend most of your days at the local coffee shop, randomly work for an entire day when you have the energy, and go sightseeing—try out anything that catches your interest, even if it’s on a whim. With a limited and planned itinerary dictating your next step, you can claim that you’ve enjoyed your trip to its fullest.

  1. Blend In

For those with a specific town on their bucket list, slow traveling is a great opportunity to feel a sense of belonging and newfound respect in their community. Disregard those five-star restaurants to enjoy a meal at the local’s favorite eatery. Shop in local markets and purchase goods using local currency. Interact with other locals to shed light on their way of living and make new bonds in different parts of the world.

Nowadays, many travelers prefer traveling to get the best selfies or shoot the most aesthetically pleasing sights in the world. Although, with slow traveling, it coaxes travelers to pull away from their electronic devices to appreciate how much life their destination is bustling with. And the best way to appreciate it is by living locally with the rest of the community.

Taking It Easyman and his pet dog traveling

Traveling is meant to be an enlightening experience. However, many travelers get tangled up with planning and pressure for them to enjoy any of it. Hence, it’s highly encouraged that they learn how to slow travel occasionally. This way, they can venture around the world at their pace and let them enjoy themselves freely.

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