Here’s How You Can Make Better Food Choices

Eating healthy and making better food choices may seem impossible to do. Equipped with the right knowledge and spurred on by the right kind of support, you can achieve these goals.

What are some ways you can do to make healthy choices the norm? Below are four tips you can apply.

Make healthy options more accessible

If junk foods and sweets are easily within reach, you’re more likely to succumb to cravings. They key to reversing that is making effective changes to your environment.

Keep unhealthy options out of sight and store them in the most inaccessible places in your home. The topmost portion of your kitchen shelves is a good place to start.

Fruits, vegetables and other healthy snacks can take their place. Make these healthy options visible and at the ready for when you need to eat. If you’re feeling diligent, prepare a salad in advance or order a fresh and healthy sandwich from a nearby restaurant.

Whole grains, such as oats, provide numerous health benefits. Their fiber content supports healthy digestion. The soluble fiber in oats, beta-glucan, effectively reduces bad cholesterol to prevent cardiovascular disease. For a healthier option, discover delicious uncontaminated from gluten oats by GF oats.

Get an accountability partner

Willpower can only go so far. While it is essential in undertaking in any endeavor, relying entirely on willpower is not sustainable. Without someone or something to help you be accountable to your health goals, you’re bound to fail at some point.

When people fail to stick with a healthy diet or meal plan, it is often the case that they are not receiving enough external support.

The good news is that almost anyone can become your accountability partner — your colleague, your partner or your friends.

Ask them to give you helpful nudges that will encourage you to choose healthy options. An accountability partner can also give you some tough love when you need it the most. Additionally, you can also support and encourage them if they have their own health goals.

Mind your portions

Using a big plate is an easy way to incentivize yourself to eat a bit more than you can handle. It sends a subtle signal to your brain that you can fill up this big area with more food. As a result, you could end up feeling quite bloated, which is not a good feeling to have.

Practice eating with a smaller plate to control your portions. Make sure that you allocate enough space for vegetables, protein, fruits, and grains.

The exact portions you will allocate for each will depend on your age, activity level and overall health status.

Recognize that not all fats are your enemy

Fatty food

Fat often gets a bad reputation, whether it’s from the perspective of a health buff or an average person. Unfortunately, this has created a false impression that all types of fat are bad for you. That’s simply not the case.

For example, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat — from plants and natural oils — can help you maintain good cholesterol levels. Additionally, these types of fat are a good source of energy for your body and can help you better process vitamins and nutrients.

On other hand, consuming lots of saturated fats — common in several meat and dairy products — can increase your risk of artery problems and cardiovascular disease.

Know the difference between bad and good fat and start integrating the latter into your diet.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for better food choices is an effective tool for sustaining motivation and embedding healthier eating habits into your daily routine. Start by setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals, such as consuming a certain number of vegetable servings daily or reducing sugar intake by a specific percentage. 

Create a rewards system that aligns with your goals, making sure to avoid food-related treats to maintain balance. Opt for non-food incentives like spa days, new books, or exciting outings. Fitness-related rewards, such as new workout gear or fitness classes, can also be highly motivating. Experiences like day trips or weekend getaways, along with investments in hobbies and self-care, are other excellent choices for motivation.

Celebrate your achievements by breaking them into smaller milestones and reward yourself at these points. Visual representations of your progress can provide strong motivation. Sharing your successes with friends and family, receiving their positive reinforcement, and keeping a journal to document your journey can also be rewarding. Joining a community or support group with similar goals allows you to share achievements and challenges with like-minded individuals, adding to your motivation.

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