Here’s Where You Can Try Selling Your Diamond Ring

Diamonds are one of the most sought-after and expensive stones known to man. This precious stone is usually used for wedding and engagement rings, or simply as a collection for jewelry enthusiasts.

Most people like holding onto their diamond rings, especially if they are a collector of such. However, some are looking to sell their rings for certain reasons. Whether you are trying to sell your lab-created diamond rings to upgrade to a new and better ring or you simply need cash, we are going to discuss where you can sell it in exchange for a couple of bucks.


If you are in need of emergency money, then you would most likely want to to go to a pawnshop to sell your diamond ring. Their process is pretty simple and quick, and you most likely would just need to fill up a couple of forms before you can exchange the ring with cash.

However, you have to take note that pawnshops are known to give low cash offers for any type of jewelry. Sure, diamonds cost a little more, which means that they will offer you a little more cash than if you try to sell your silver jewelry to them, but the fact is that they will still offer you less cash than what you can get from auction houses and the likes.

Auction Houses

You can get a great offer or deal at an auction house, but there are a few catches if you decide to sell your diamond ring at an auction house. The first one is that it is actually a long process that can take months. The auction house probably has to sell a couple of things first before actually selling your diamond ring, so you would have to wait.

The second one is that there is no guaranteed sale. You can never be sure that someone will like the ring and make an offer for it. The third one is that the auction house will get a percentage of your profits. If you are willing to wait and go through all this, then go ahead and try selling it to an auction house.

Jewelry Shops

You can always try and visit different jewelry stores and see if they are willing to buy your diamond ring. Make sure to visit a few to make sure that you will get the best deal. Always be wise and practice your bargaining and selling skills before selling the ring so you can make sure that you will sell the ring for what it’s worth.


This one is probably the easiest and most popular option among the bunch. There are lots of online platforms that you can use to sell your diamond ring: eBay, Craigslist, Facebook, Instagram, and more. However, you have to always be alert and wise when selling online, as you surely can be scammed even if you are the seller. Make sure that the payments are legal and that they came through. Ask for the proof of payment and check if it really came through your bank account. Only have the product shipped once the payment is fully confirmed.

There are many ways to sell your used jewelry, and this list is a good start. Always think twice before selling your jewelry so you would not regret it afterwards.

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