Home Improvement: What You Should Know

While everyone is spending more time in their homes during the pandemic, boredom can easily creep up. But you can’t spend all your time binging shows on Netflix or playing online games.

But don’t worry. Some activities are not only fun, but they also improve your house. The best part is that most of these activities also add value to your home. Curious yet?

Here are a few fun home improvement ideas for you.

Lightbulb Replacements

Do you know that 81 percent of American homes still use incandescent light bulbs? Not only are incandescent bulbs less bright than LEDs, but they also need far more electricity to light up. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, LED bulbs consume up to 80 percent less energy than traditional ones. LED bulbs are also proven to last up to 25 times longer.

Switching to LEDs will give you a brighter home, lower your monthly power bills, and save you more money on replacements down the road.

Using smart LEDs with adjustable color and brightness can be a lot of fun, too. There are a lot of smart light bulbs in the market that will allow you to control them from just your phone.

Bathroom Fixtures

bathroom renovation

Have you seen those pictures on Pinterest where people’s bathrooms look so stylish and sleek? You can do that, too. With just an afternoon of repainting and setting up shelves, you can turn one of the most boring parts of your home into an Instagram-worthy area.

You can also add (LED) light fixtures in your bathroom. The brightness they add creates a more spacious feel.

And of course, don’t forget to revamp your mirrors. According to Modern Bathroom, getting large mirrors can add more light, especially in dark corners. They also recommend hanging mirrors behind light fixtures to maximize the effect.

Adding just a few things to redesign your bathroom will give it a new life. Plus, when you do call that real estate agent, you’ll be surprised by how much these changes can add to your home’s value.

Repair and Retouch

Okay, this may sound like a chore, but it’s up to you to make the activity more fun. If you’re living with other people, you can make a game out of repairs. Assign points to each issue and declare a winner at the end of the contest.

But even if you don’t do that, making simple repairs like replacing knobs and handles can be therapeutic and less toxic. According to Psychology Today, working with your hands is a great way to relieve stress, especially if it’s a repetitive task.

You can also take on that repainting project you’ve been procrastinating. Have friends over to help out one weekend and share a pizza over. Just remember to maintain social distancing.

These repairs can go along way in maintaining your home and adding value in the process.

It can be tempting just to sit around and wait out this pandemic, sure. But you can also do fun activities that are more productive. Try out these fun home improvement tasks. They’re guaranteed to be more enjoyable, and they’ll give you a sense of achievement after.

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