How Can Auto Repair Shops Improve Productivity?

As with any business, efficiency can have a great impact on profitability. For auto repair shop owners, have you experienced losing so many hours because of a missing wheel lock or incorrect VINs? You may not realize this at first, but things like this can add up and affect your profitability in the long run.

That said, you must promote smarter work habits to increase your shop’s efficiency and productivity. Here are ways on how to do that:

Incentivize with rewards

Give small incremental bonuses to your technicians when they exceed their respective individual targets. According to the Incentives Research Foundation, incentive programs can increase interest in work. They found that when rewards are given in a task’s completion, a 15 percent increase in performance occurred. On the other hand, when asked to persist towards achieving goals, workers increase their performance by up to 27 percent when driven by rewards.

Consider posting daily targets on a whiteboard and update them throughout the day, so each technician can monitor their progress. Likewise, at the end of the day, update the weekly tally. These will demonstrate that you’re paying attention and that what your staff is doing matters.

Improve tools and systems

As technological advances in the auto repair business continue, shops must continue to advance and adapt to it.

For example. equipping your shop with a high-quality mobile column lift will help create flexible, open spaces when the lifts are not in use. Once technicians complete a repair job, they can roll the mobile columns out of the way, freeing up more space that they can use for other jobs.

This tool helps maximize the space in small shops. With the additional space, your staff can perform other tasks, like servicing another vehicle. The more jobs being done at the same time, the more efficient your business is.

auto mechanic

Keep the place cool (or warm, depending on the season)

Auto repair shops can become very warm during the summer. If possible, try to sustain a comfortable ambient temperature in the shop and in the bays.

Did you know that temperature can affect worker productivity? According to a study conducted by the Helsinki University of Technology, workplace productivity increases when workers are exposed to temperatures between 69.8 degrees and 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The study added that raising the ambient temperature to a more comfortable level can save employers up to $2 per worker.

Empower your staff

A good system is nothing unless your workers are willing to follow it and work within those limits.

Part of the problem is that policies in place can seem to be a bit anti-employee. Instead, when you introduce new policies and explain why they’re there to protect everybody in the business. After that, you’ll need to empower your employees. You must let them know they are equally as responsible and accountable as the higher-ups.

These are just four simple ways to improve the productivity and efficiency in your workplace. Follow the steps above to boost productivity and make the most of your team’s workdays.

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