How Climate Change Affects The Soil

Climate change is one of the biggest discussions today. With the ice caps melting, marine life accidentally eating plastics, and increasing air pollution, climate activists are only getting louder. It’s not only activists that take action on this matter. Regular people, with the help of social media and information on the internet, have become more aware of sustainable ways to live. It’s a collective effort to mitigate climate change.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there could be a 2.5-to-10-degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature within the next century. This would mean more severe droughts and heatwaves where summer could become more unbearable. On top of this, category 4 and 5 hurricanes will happen more. These extreme weather changes will affect wildlife as much as it disrupts human activities.

The effects of climate change on soil

One of the ecosystems that will be extremely affected by climate change is the soil. As much as people emphasize the contribution of planting trees to saving the environment, they should also pay attention to the role that soil plays.

As plants grow and photosynthesize, they take nutrients from the soil. In return, they store organic carbon in the soil when they die. So, one could say that soil prevents carbon from freely contaminating the air—as long as it is undisturbed. However, a decrease in organic carbon content may result from higher temperatures because it encourages decomposition and mineralization.

The increasing temperature also affects the moisture of the soil because it throws off the balance of precipitation and evapotranspiration. This change is moisture is also affected by more intense droughts. Moreover, the soil will also have to undergo polar extremes of weather as climate change progresses.

One of the effects of these changes is soil erosion. Because good moisture in soil effectively cultivates vegetation, the chances of erosion are minimal. Thus, this degradation in soil brought about by climate change increases the likelihood of soil to erode. However, as industries deal with the adverse effects of climate change, they can think of solutions to prevent these problems. One example would be using Atlantis geotextile products that aid in soil stability as well as manage erosion.

Green choices to help save the environment

EnvironmentWhile there are bigger factors that contribute to the Earth’s depleting environmental health, individuals can choose to become more eco-friendly in their daily lives. Here are a couple of lifestyle changes one can make to become more sustainable:

  • Walk

If the destination is near, it’s better to walk or take a bicycle. Vehicles are the leading contributors to carbon emissions, so not using the car for a short trip can save you some point on carbon footprint.

  • Shop less

Retail therapy is valid, and it makes someone feel better. However, the burning of fossil fuels for energy and emissions from chemicals contribute to 22% of harmful emissions. If you do shop, consider buying hand-me-downs. Some items are non-biodegradable, so by thrift-shopping, these items will not reach the landfill.

The takeaway

Consciousness is essential in times like this. Being mindful of consumption as well as the current situation of the environment should be taken seriously because the effects of climate change strike every single thing on this planet.

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