How Serenity Gardens Helped During the Pandemic

The events of the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we know it. With lockdowns still being implemented, citizens are advised to stay indoors and limit going out to limit the spread of the virus. Such a sudden change in lifestyle can take a toll on one’s mental health.

For some people, staying indoors takes a lot of getting used to. Forbes says that human beings are social creatures by nature, which means an intrinsic need for you to interact and socialize. With social gatherings being discouraged, it can get challenging at times.

Since the events of the pandemic, more people have looked for ways to make their time more productive, whether it is to cope up with the stresses of a changing world or to make a profit out of it. NPR reports that there was a rise in people having ‘pandemic gardens’ since lockdowns everywhere began. But these gardens fill more than they need for just planting a few good cucumbers.

Jennifer Atkinson., a senior lecturer at the University of Washington, says that people have always turned to gardening during hard times. Still, it is more than using it as a means to feed their families. She says that people are mostly motivated by nature’s beauty and the need to establish contact with it. Having a garden also gives you a creative outlet, and you feel a sense of gratification from it.

These so-called ‘serenity gardens’ are a way for people to somehow escape from the harsh realities of life and be one with nature. It’s a way for you to stay in your own backyard while sipping a cup of good coffee, reflect on life, and hope things can get back to normal soon.

If you want to build yourself a little place of tranquility right in the comfort of your own backyard, you might consider making a serenity garden for yourself.

The advantages of having a serenity garden

The Victoria Advocate lists several benefits of having a serenity garden. It becomes a place of repose, a place where you can take a moment of reflection.

It is said that those who enjoy or take pleasure in gardening are less likely to be prone to feelings of depression, stress, and anger. They are also less likely to have elevated blood pressure. Those who have a passion for gardening are also said to have a greater sense of life satisfaction.

a lotus flower in bloom

Building your serenity garden

Before you work on plans to construct your serenity garden, come up with a detailed plan. It takes more than using your imagination; you have to put pen to paper.

Decide what the garden shall look like, and what plants and flowers you would want to have. You may keep the color scheme simple, limiting just a few varieties of contrasting plants. You may also want to consider the fragrances of the plants in your garden, but you may not want those that are too fragrant.

Decide whether or not you would want to have a walkway to your garden. Typically, pathways form a curve and are around 40 inches wide. Garden walkways can either be made of concrete, mulch, granite, stone, or grass.

Outdoor furniture should also be considered because you want to make yourself comfortable while in your garden. Benches, sofas, and rockers are among the popular choices for this category, although some would also go for pillows or even a swing in their backyard.

People also find serenity in looking out the garden from the comfort of their deck. It can add an element of rustic charm while you sit down in your wicker chair overlooking the garden.

Making your serenity garden a reality may take entail getting some professional know-how. A garden makeover might need you to consult the advice of a gardener, a landscape artist, or a deck builder.

A serenity garden in your own backyard is something that will help you escape the harsh realities of the events of the pandemic. While it is more than just a so-called distraction, it is a way for you to be productive. It is a way for you to channel all that energy into something positive. You can create something new even when you’re at home.

While it might take a while for life to get back to normal, you can always have your garden to look back to at the end of the day. These days, it is important to have a safe zone in your life to calm yourself during these turbulent times.

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