How to Eat Better In the Middle of a Pandemic

What’s been on the menu lately? Chips? Pizza? Wine? Ice cream when it gets too hot? Being confined to your house, there aren’t a lot of options for food. Social distancing means limiting your trips outside, especially to the grocery. This also means that when you do go there, you’re likely to pick processed goods that will last longer than fresh produce. Plus, the stress and anxiety brought on by the pandemic can make it tempting to stress-eat and fall back on your comfort food, which isn’t likely to be healthy.

But while plenty of things are beyond your control right now, your diet isn’t one of them. While eating your not-so-healthy comfort food isn’t bad, you can do yourself a favor and balance it out with healthier options. Below, we have a few suggestions on how you can eat better, even while in quarantine.

1. Don’t forgo fruits and vegetables when shopping

Fresh produce is likely the first thing to go bad in the fridge, which is why people tend to avoid them when grocery shopping, opting for canned or frozen options instead. But, if you plan your cooking right, you can consume all your fresh food before they go bad.

When you’re at the grocery, make sure to buy fruits and vegetables that are good for a couple of days’ worth of meals. Then, prepare them first. You can cook a big batch then freeze them for later.

2. Look for healthy shelf-stable foods

While we encourage eating fresh instead of frozen, it doesn’t mean all shelf-stable food is unhealthy. Canned soups, for example, are a great healthy option. Plus, you can dress them up by adding grilled meat or vegetables.

Canned fish, like tuna and salmon, is not only a great source of protein but is also easy to incorporate in different dishes. And did you know that canned salmon and sardines are rich in calcium, thanks to their edible bones? This means they’re great for your bones and teeth, so eating them will make your orthodontist approve.

3. Choose healthy snack alternatives

eating a snack

Stressful times like these can make you more anxious, which you might try to cope with by snacking. Unfortunately, most snacks fall in the salty, sugary, or greasy category. In short: they’re unhealthy.

If you want something to munch on in between meals or when you’re stressed, you can still have snacks as long as you choose healthy ones. Some examples are dried fruits and nuts, which you can buy alongside other shelf-stable foods. On movie nights, it’s also best to air-pop your popcorns instead of microwaving the kernels.

4. Stay hydrated

With the season’s hot weather comes the need for hydration. Just because you’re not moving about and sweating as much doesn’t mean you should forget about your water intake. Hydration is crucial for overall health, so make sure you’re drinking enough water every day.

Your health has never been more important than right now when the world is trying to fight a health crisis. Eating healthy while stuck at home isn’t just so you can emerge on the other side looking and feeling good; healthy foods also give you the armor you need to fight off different kinds of sickness, including the coronavirus.

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