How to Prepare Your Home from Extreme Weather Events

Experts are warning that climate change will make extreme weather events more frequent around the world. More hurricanes that reach category 3 and above are already causing damage. In 2019, two major hurricanes reached category 5 — the highest category for hurricanes. Summers are becoming hotter, too. August last year was the hottest temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

So, as a regular citizen, how do you protect yourself from these extreme weather conditions? Here are a few home modification projects you can make now.


Hail is a weather event that can be so destructive. When balls of solid ice fall from the sky, it can damage property and cause serious injuries.

Hail damage repair can be pretty costly. It can dent your roof and smash through the glass windows of your house. Your house can is also in danger if you do not have a garage.

However, if you state regularly experiences hail, which happens during spring and summer, you should prepare your home to prevent damages and injuries.

Your roof is your most important line of defense against a hailstorm. If your roof fails, there will be nowhere to hide. Even if you are not expecting a hailstorm (no one knows when it will happen), make sure that your roof is in proper condition. Inspect it regularly to find areas that are broken. A small damage can grow into a bigger problem in the future. Repair what is broken as soon as possible.

If necessary, you can replace your roof with a material that is more highly resistant to impact. Windows, on the other hand, can be protected from hail by permanent shutters you can close in case of a storm.


Tree fell down in front of house

Hurricanes can also be equally devastating. Those that reach category 3 can bring winds of up to 129 mph. During category 4, the wind can go as strong as 156 mph. In a category 5 hurricane, the wind is about 157 mph or higher.

A category 5 hurricane can uproot a tree and send debris toward a house. It can also completely destroy mobile and frame homes as well as extremely damage commercial buildings.

Preparations for hurricanes are similar to preparations that you should do to prevent damages from hailstorms. Inspect and repair your roof in case of damage and add storm shutters to your windows. You should also clean your gutters, trim any tree branch that may fall onto your home, and secure outdoor furniture.


Summer heat can become unbearable in a few years or so if climate change is unmitigated. If you live in a state where heatwaves happen, you should consider giving your home a more energy-efficient makeover.

Homes that are energy-efficient are made with building materials that can effectively regulate indoor temperature. If it is cold outside, the house can absorb and retain heat so that the homeowner does not have to solely rely on the HVAC. When it is hot outside, it keeps the house cool by blocking the sunlight.

Dense materials such as concrete and stone provide insulation from the heat. Covering exterior walls with ivy or moss can also help block the sunlight from seeping through and making the house hot. Plus, plants generally make their surroundings cooler, making the heat outside your home more tolerable. A green roof will also shield your home from the top.

No one can predict when a natural disaster can happen. However, you can protect yourself, your family, and your properties by making preparations as early as possible.

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