How to Throw a Stunning Wedding at Home

Tying the knot in the time of the pandemic is challenging, considering that most venues are closed. But you don’t necessarily have to delay it. If you are one of those who are planning to get married in the midst of COVID-19, worry not! With these unique ideas, you can turn your home into an elegant wedding venue.

Choose your theme

This guides the direction and planning style, so it’s important to determine your desired wedding theme first. It can be rustic, vintage, or whimsical. Pinterest features different wedding themes, decorations, flowers, and catering choices, so you might want to check it out. DIY ideas can give you more insights, too.

Create locations for separate activities

David Tutera, a professional wedding planner, recommends moving your guests from one area to another. The idea is to avoid having your visitors stand or sit in one area by creating a variety of receptions. Here’s one example:

  • Welcome your guests to the entrance hall. With the help of a human arrow or simply the people who lead the way, you can guide them to the cocktail area.
  • From there, direct them to the dining reception.
  • Separate the coffee and dessert tables in the dance floors to keep people moving.
  • The cake cutting can be done close to the dining space.
  • Then you can probably hold the games next to the dance area.

Consider professional services

Sure, you can provide and set up your tents and chairs. But holding a big wedding is a different story- that requires a significant number of chairs and tables, so you might want to include professional rentals in your checklist. Look for a service company, book an appointment and you’re all set! If you are planning to hold the dance floors at your lawn, get a floor covering so you can save your guest’s heels. Check out if the rental service can cover that, too.

Plan thoroughly

Undoubtedly, an indoor wedding can save you money, but there are several major factors you need to consider. It consumes a large space, which means clearing away some furniture. In addition, the cars lining up outside can block the road, so remember to inform your neighborhood and HOA about the possible noise and traffic. Most importantly, don’t forget the weather! Ensure that you have a backup plan in case it rains. A clear tent is ideal, as it provides unique and epic photos regardless of the weather.

Make it memorable

Aside from giving away wedding favors to thank and make your guests remember your special event, you can make it more memorable by renting a photo booth. If within your budget, hire a professional photographer or videographer who can provide a same-day edit of your wedding video, allowing your guests to watch it from the entourage to the grand exit.

at a wedding celebration

Utilize the meaningful spaces

Surely, there’s a certain area in your home that has special meaning to you. Whether it be the bedroom, balcony, or swimming pool, you can make use of it to create a story. Then through unique photographs, show them off and leave your guests inspired.

Strategize the catering

You need to figure out what reception style suits your wedding best. Would you like it to be self or full service? Or you want the waiters to walk around to serve drinks and cocktails? Let the catering service know in advance so that they can bring the right equipment to create a wonderful intimate setting.

Get housekeeping staff

Considering the number of visitors, materials, and other decorations, the venue can easily get messy. Hiring housekeeping staff can help you clean up before and after the wedding, saving you from the hassle of having to break down the tents.

Double check your checklist

When you’re preparing for a major event, it is easy to get distracted, and forget small stuff. Instead of being complacent when you’re done planning, check your checklist a dozen times. You don’t want to rush things up later upon realizing that you forget this and that, do you?

Ask your friends’ help

A wedding preparation is no joke. It requires a lot of time and planning. So do not hesitate to ask the help of your friends and families. They can volunteer and offer assistance to get more things done, making the preparation less stressful and more manageable for you.

Getting married in this tough time can be difficult. But it only takes unique and organized ideas to host a gorgeous wedding right at your home.

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