Understanding the Importance of Self-Care

When it comes to the things that need to be done in our lives, there are two ways of approaching them: leave it to pros or do it yourself. In the stay-at-home situation that many of us have been in this past year, we have been pushed to do things ourselves, including things that we would have normally hired people to do.

In the past year, a lot of us have learned to cook and hone our knife skills. Maybe some of us have even started growing our own vegetables and herbs. We’ve had to suspend our cleaning lady’s service for a while. And we all know someone who’s taken up sewing or beer brewing during the pandemic.

There are certain things, however, that is still best left to the pros. Especially now that restrictions are being lifted and more and more people are vaccinated, we can slowly open up our lives once again to others and get the professional touch that we’ve sorely missed.

Mental Healthcare

The importance of looking after our mental health has been one of the big revelations of the pandemic era. Many of us have struggled with the difficult times that we have been facing, especially with the loss of face-to-face human interaction.

Despite its importance, however, many of us are not too keen on reaching out for professional help on this matter. It’s either we don’t see it as a priority or the costs are simply too high. The latter reasoning is certainly valid, leading many of us to take on more self-guided approaches like meditation, breathing exercises, or even journaling.

There are certain situations, however, that require immediate professional help. If you’re struggling with your mental health, try to schedule an appointment with a counselor or psychiatrist for at least one session with them. They can best gauge what kind of therapy or treatment you’ll need. If it’s nothing severe, they might actually just tell you to check in with them in another six months or recommend some self-guided exercises for you. If you can spend money on your car’s engine tune-up, then you can definitely spend it on your own personal tune-up as well.

Skin Care

Skin care has been one of the biggest wellness trends in recent years, gaining equal footing with makeup as an essential part of looking good and feeling great.

It also seems like there’s a new skincare trend every season. From K-beauty products to homemade face masks, there’s always a new skin care recommendation that everyone starts raving about.

Our skin is our body’s largest organ, and as with our other bodily functions, there are medical doctors that specialize in it. That’s why they say that there’s no better skin care regimen than a regular visit to your dermatologist. After all, not all skin care tricks work for all skin types.

A dermatologist can also offer solutions that you can definitely not do on your own. From Botox dermal fillers to laser and other specialized skin treatments, a skin professional can provide you with more targeted and effective skin care solutions.

man getting his hair cut

Hair care

If you’re one of the victims of the cutting-my-own-hair trend of the pandemic, then you know how important it is to leave your hair to the experts. Many of us were forced to cut our family member’s hair during the lockdown because of restrictions, but now that salons are open again, it’s time to say goodbye to the bowl cut and hello to shampoo head massages and pro-highlights.

Your DIY hair mishap may have been easily concealed during video calls, but now that we’re going back to face-to-face, you might want to start visiting your neighborhood salon again.


Another trend of the pandemic was working out at home. Whether we did yoga by watching videos on YouTube or purchased an exercise bike for home, many of us found ourselves with more time to look after our fitness.

As with the above-mentioned points, however, there’s still nothing like having a personal trainer—someone who can really guide you, motivate you, and create a customized fitness journey for you. If you’ve grown accustomed to working out at home, the great news is that there are fitness coaches and personal trainers who offer their services online.

Doing things at home certainly has its advantages. They can be less costly and less wasteful. But for the important things, like our health and well-being, it’s well worth the cost to leave it to the pros.

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