5 Items New Mothers Should Absolutely Have

If you are reading this article, we extend our heartiest congratulations to you. You are either done with the complete nine months of pregnancy, labor and delivery, or you’re currently pregnant and awaiting the last two stages.

Either way, congratulations. We hope you’re keeping well and in the best of health and spirits. We know that pregnancy isn’t easy. Any woman that has given birth knows that it takes its toll on both the physical and mental health.

However, with the right guidance, counseling, love and support, you can have a relatively easier and more pleasant experience as far as dealing with the post-pregnancy or post-partum stage is concerned. One of the ways to do this would be to learn more about the post-partum stage.

Post-Partum Stage: What You Should Know

Many people operate with the misconception that the post-partum stage is only hard for the child. That’s not true. Both the mother as well as the child experience changes and try to adjust accordingly.

For the child, it’s about being familiar with life that is not like the womb. They have spent nearly nine months there and the outside world is a major adjustment. For the mother, it’s about dealing with everything from disturbed sleeping cycles, sore nipples, and aching back.

If you’re able to arm yourself and your baby with some must-have items, you may avoid a condition known as post-partum depression.

In this regard, people often talk about the fourth trimester:

  1. The 4th trimester consists of the first three months after the baby’s birth following labor.
  2. Doctors recommend that the 4th trimester is the period when the baby gets used to the outside world and living in it.
  3. Parents need to mimic their womb experiences during the 4th trimester and make them as comfortable as possible.
  4. Babies that are taken care of in the 4th trimester grow up healthy with a strong immune system.

In addition to looking after yourself with enough rest and good nutrition after giving birth, it’s ideal to keep a few essential items that will make your life as a new mother easier — for you and the baby.

The 5 Must-Have Things for New Mothers

  1. Maternity Girdle

In recent years, there has been a lot of awareness of the benefits of a maternity girdle. This can help you with your body balance and provide support for the baby that is inside your womb. Wearing a maternity girdle helps you escape many of the body pains, aches, tensions, and injuries that pregnancies are usually associated with.

  1. Breast Pump

Being a mom is tough, especially when you have a little human being constantly tugging away at your nipples. Breastfeeding can wear new mothers out very quickly. Investing in a high-grade breast pump can help you provide the child with the goodness of mother’s milk while providing comfort to the mother who does not have to always have her nipples sucked on.

  1. Nipple Cream

As you begin to produce milk naturally, your breasts will undergo a significant change. Most mothers have pointed out that the nipples become much more sensitive and crack up. If you are constantly breastfeeding, this becomes much more difficult. Applying nipple cream can help relieve you of some of the discomforts. This helps in moisturizing the skin of the nipples.

  1. Baby Carrier
    mother walking the beach along with her children

Some babies want to be held all the time while others do not want to. It depends on the age they are at. If you are a mother that wants to sometimes go for a walk around the block or to the park, or even help with some household chores, you need a sturdy, yet comfortable baby carrier. Make sure to get the ones that your baby likes to be held in. Try a few first.

  1. Nursing Pads

When you are about to give birth or have just had your baby, there will be days when your breast will just start leaking milk. By using a nursing or breast pad, you will be able to prevent any uncomfortable scenarios where your top or tee suddenly becomes soiled. There are plenty of them in the market, but make sure you choose the best ones that do not react with your skin.

The entire process from getting pregnant to giving birth and even after that is never an easy one. Although some mothers deal with it better, there are always problems that everyone must contend with.

Look into the five must-have items listed here and the pains that come with nine months will be overshadowed by your journey into motherhood. So make the post-partum stage an easy and pleasant one.

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