Keep Your Heart Healthy With These Simple Ways

Our heart makes us feel alive, literally. Metaphorically, it refers to that part of our body that gets shattered when we experience love life problems. But our heart is more than that. It pumps blood throughout our entire body and keeps us alive and moving.

But not all people have a “healthy” heart. In fact, heart problems are among the major causes of death for both women and men all over the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 700,000 Americans experience a heart attack annually.

There are medical centers in Uintah Basin that specialize in cardiology. You should consult a cardiologist if you have a history of cardiovascular problems.


Cardiovascular disease is often interchanged with heart disease. But any kind of disease that affects the heart falls under the umbrella of cardiovascular disease. Regardless, you should consult a cardiologist for any signs of cardiovascular problems.

Among common symptoms of cardiovascular diseases include:

  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Chest pain and tightening.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Irregular heartbeat rate (arrhythmia).
  • Upper body pains that are not due to muscle strains and the like.

Some cardiovascular symptoms can be a result of an inborn heart defect. Meanwhile, some symptoms are due to heart infections that can be fatal if not treated early. You should consult a cardiologist if you experience these symptoms. Early detection is the key so that you will be treated properly.

Taking care of your heart

A heart attack may be similar to a burglar: you won’t know when it’s coming. When it does happen, it can make you feel scared and worried. But it’s important to have yourself checked up as soon as possible after a heart attack. Here are some tips to deal with the situation.

Slow down. As much as possible, take it slow when doing your everyday task. Consult a cardiologist before going back to your usual routine. It is more important if your job is physically-demanding or prone to stress.

Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, best if you stop it already. It can be challenging, but it’s for your own health. Too much tobacco use can weaken your heart health and result to heart attacks. If you find it hard to quit the habit, at least consider the people around you.

Secondhand smoke can also cause health problems including heart disease.

Doctor holding tray of fruits and vegetables

Eat healthily. There are two cholesterol types: HDL (high-density lipoproteins) and LDL (low-density lipoproteins). The former is the “good” cholesterol, while the latter is the opposite. The latter also heightens the risk of cardiovascular problems.

That said, you should be mindful of what you are eating. This includes:

  • Reducing salt intake.
  • Reducing the consumption of processed and fried foods.
  • Eating more vegetables and fruits.
  • Limiting alcohol consumption.

Get moving. Exercise is also a great way to strengthen your heart health. Regular exercise also helps in weight loss and keeps your health in check. Make sure to consult your doctor first before engaging in any physical activities.

Be happy. The risk of cardiovascular problems is higher for those who struggle with their mental health. Take time to have a good company with your friends and family. If you have symptoms of depression, seek medical help immediately.

Keep your heart health on track by following the above tips. At the end of the day, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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