Keeping Your Home Healthy And Free From Toxins

Your home is your safe place. It is where you rest when you’re tired. It is where you recover when you are sick and you feel you are at your safest, especially now with stay-at-home orders amidst the pandemic.

However, your home can also be full of toxins without you knowing it. It can be the reason why you or your children may experience asthma symptoms sometimes. Toxic chemicals are present in almost all the substances that you use every day. While there are hazards outdoors that you can do nothing about, there is certainly much that you can do with the toxins and hazards present inside your home.

Maintain a healthy indoor air quality.

Indoor air quality is important for both your health and comfort. There is significant scientific evidence that indoor air is actually more polluted than outdoor air. Since you are spending most of your time at home, you are also exposing yourself to indoor air pollution which can harm your health. Prolonged exposure to indoor air pollution can also have repercussions on your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. At its simplest, indoor air pollutants can result in allergies.

How can you ensure healthy indoor air? Most indoor pollutants are even odorless, so there is no way for you to know that there is a problem. Most of the time, the only warning signs you will have are the symptoms that you will experience.

Working to improve your indoor air quality can help lessen the occurrence of allergies and asthma symptoms. It can also help make breathing easier even through the winter months. Eliminating the allergens and pollutants may not be possible, but reducing them can make a lot of difference to your health and safety.

Here are some simple changes that you can make in your household to improve the air quality in your home.

  • Keep your home clean.

A clean house means a healthier house. Keeping your interiors clean means there will be lesser dust, animal dander, molds, and mildew. Vacuum carpets at least once a week. Getting rid of your carpet is even better as it traps all types of dirt and allergens.

Change your bedding and curtains weekly, especially if you have pets. Wash them in water with a temperature of at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Another way to reduce dust and allergens is to get rid of clutter. Too much stuff can trap and hold dust, which can contribute to your indoor air pollution.

  • Regularly maintain your HVAC.

Changing your filters and air duct cleaning can help improve the air quality in your home. Doing so will prevent dust, mold spores, and other allergens from recirculating inside your home.

  • Keep your plants outdoors.

While many are claiming that indoor plants can improve indoor air quality, they can actually do more harm than good. Plants can facilitate the growth of molds, which can release allergens into the air.

  • Open your windows.

Opening your windows lets fresh air into your home. Use a fan to move air contaminants out of your home as well.

  • Invest in a dehumidifier and an air purifier.

A dehumidifier in the damp areas of your home can help reduce the presence of molds. An air purifier can also help get rid of air irritants, especially if you have no idea where they are from.

cleaning surface

Get rid of pests safely.

Nobody wants pests in their homes, hence the popularity of pesticides. Pesticides, however, aside from killing off roaches, ants, mice, and lawn and home pests can also harm you and your family. The hazards associated with a pesticide depends on the amount and the length of exposure. Overexposure to pesticides can gravely affect children and can put them at risk of asthma and developmental problems among many others.

Instead of using insecticides and pesticides, adapt a clean and healthy habit. Throw out your garbage regularly. Use garbage bins that are covered. Do not leave dishes at the sink as it can attract roaches and other pests. Wash your dishes carefully and after every meal. Do not leave food out in the open and make it a habit to clean your dining table and kitchen of food residue which can attract pests.

Use green cleaning products.

While cleaning your home is a must to keep it safe and healthy, you may be using harmful cleaning agents. Avoid cleaning agents that contain chlorine or ammonia. These strong chemicals can have adverse effects on your health and that of your children. When mixed, they are even deadlier.

To clean your tiles, you can use vinegar which is a kitchen staple instead of bleach. To clean your glass windows, you can use lemon juice or vinegar diluted in water.

Keeping your home healthy and reducing the number of toxins present can make a big difference in your family’s health. There are other steps that you can take to help make your home greener and healthier. It will not only be good for you, but will also be good for the environment as well.

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