Keeping Your Household Safe During Winter

Winter wonderland may sound amazing but it comes with its own perils and hazards. Staying warm and safe during the winter may have its own challenges. Aside from the hazards that are inherent to the season, there are the threats of the COVID-19 that you also have to contend with.

Keeping your family safe during winter will take effort. The cold temperatures, as well as winter storms, can be risky. Planning for your home can help keep everyone secured despite the temperatures dropping.

The air during winter is colder and drier, allowing for the easy transmission of respiratory viruses. This includes the dreaded Corona Virus. Weakened immune systems can also facilitate the high occurrence of these viruses. People are spending more time indoors and they are sharing the same indoor air. When one coughs or sneezes, it will be easy to inhale infected respiratory droplets in the air.

Adhering to the guidelines issued by the CDC to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can help make winter safer for you and your loved ones. Staying at home will not be a problem if you only have the people in the same household with you. Avoid visitors and you should also avoid going to other people’s houses.

Another way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated. If you cannot be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, get a flu shot to protect yourself. Even getting influenza can significantly weaken your immune system, making you vulnerable to a Corona Virus infection. Be sure to also stock up on the things that you will aneed should you get the flu, such as a thermometer, over-the-counter colds medicine, and soup among many others.

Remember to always wash your hands with soap and water, and wear a face mask whenever you step outside.

  • Prepare your home for winter.

Stay at home protocols aside, you will mostly be staying at home during winter because of the weather. Winter-proof your home so you can stay warm and cozy during the cold months of the season. Regularly maintain your heating system so that it won’t experience any problems, especially on a cold freezing night.

You should also maintain your sidewalk and driveway for the safety of everyone in your home and your neighborhood as well. Business establishments turn to commercial snow removal services to clear snow from their storefront to avoid accidents. If clearing your driveway and sidewalk is too much for you, you can also hire a snow removal service. They will be better equipped to do the job more efficiently than you could with a blower or shovel.

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  • Be ready for emergencies.

Weather-related emergencies can be an inconvenience, but being prepared for them can make things manageable. Power outages and winter storms can take anyone off their guard. Stock on food items that will not require refrigeration and cooking. They can come in handy in case of power outages. Store water in clean containers as well.

When there is a winter storm coming, make sure to fully charge your phones, as well as any emergency lamps and electronics that you have. Keep in handy battery-operated flashlights, radio, lamps, and other emergency devices that can help make power outages bearable. Extra batteries, first-aid kits, medicines, and other essential items such as baby diapers should be included in your emergency pack. Keep a list of emergency numbers that you may need.

  • Dress warmly for the weather.

If you need to go somewhere, be sure to dress up for the weather. Layer up to keep the chill at bay. Your inner layer of clothes must be able to hold on to your body heat. Fabrics such as cotton and wool are ideal for your inner layer clothes.

Wool, fleece, and other natural fibers work best for your insulation layer. They will facilitate heat retention by trapping the heat close to your body. The outer layer of your clothing must be able to protect you from the wind, snow, and rain.

A hat, pair of mittens, and scarf can also help keep you warmer and more comfortable. Avoid going outside when there are advisories from the National Weather Service. You don’t want to get stranded in the middle of a snowstorm.

  • Ready your vehicle.

Being on the road is risky enough, but the hazards multiply during winter. According to the NHTSA, 17% of vehicular accidents happen during the icy winter season. The presence of ice and snow on the road requires special preparation and more careful driving.

Regular maintenance can help ensure that your vehicle is in top condition. A set of snow tires can help give your car more stability and control. Every week, make sure that your tire pressure is correct. Incorrect tire pressure makes your vehicle less stable, reduces your control, consumes more gas, and wears your tires faster.

Being ready for any weather is important for your health and safety. Protect yourself and your loved ones for a more enjoyable winter.

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