Last Goodbyes: Preparations for Your Parent’s Forthcoming Death

There’s always a certain difficulty when it comes to dealing with death. This is especially true when it comes to the passing of a loved one. When you find that one of your parents is in their last days, even if it’s long been expected, it can still make you hurt a lot inside. It may feel like the time for you to cry, but you should also keep in mind that what’s most important now is to prepare yourself. If you have no idea how to start, you can begin with these activities:

Make the Final Arrangements

Many do their best to put off anything that has something to do with death until the end when it’s already there. However, now that you’re in a situation where you know that it’s near, wouldn’t you both want to make sure that everything’s okay before your parent departs? If they’re already open to it, start discussing arrangements for the funeral. Will they be buried or cremated? Which of the headstones will they choose for their grave in Salt Lake City? As much as possible, give them control over the details.

Come to Terms with the Situation

One of the reasons people don’t prepare for an event is denying the possibility of the situation happening. When it comes to the forthcoming death of a loved one—in this case, your parent—you might think that “this can’t be happening” or try to put on a brave face, but you’re breaking down inside. You should give yourself room and time to grieve as well as help your parent with it. Doing it helps with healing and makes you stronger for what lies ahead.

Settle Conflicts

parent and child holding hands

While you’re working on your acceptance of the situation, you might also want to use this opportunity to make peace with your parent. After all, you might have some unresolved issues with them that you’ve neglected to discuss due to circumstances. Talk with them to get both your issues out and over with, and apologize to as well as forgive each other for the wrongs that you’ve done. It can fill you with regret if you don’t do it while they’re alive.

Notify the Others

Unless your immediate family has cut itself off from the rest, yo also have to let the other members know of the news of your parent’s eventual passing. It will reduce the shock and let the extended family choose how to spend their time with your parent. You will also gain a support group who will understand how you might feel. Of course, you don’t have to inform the ones that you cannot trust. Just let those who matter know.

No matter how early you know about someone’s forthcoming death, there will always be a big impact on you. Not to mention that it’s even bigger when someone you’re close to is involved. However, when you know about it in advance, it’s an opportunity to prepare for the event and be able to recover more quickly. Your parent would want you to live your life without any regrets, so don’t let their passing keep you from moving on.

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