Let’s Talk: Fashion and Lifestyle with Fine Feather Heads

Ask yourself, what is the first thing you do when you wake up first thing in the morning? You probably have a routine — shower, make up, then work. Others like to mix it up by going to the gym or the mall. Special occasions also come up, holidays to look forward to, and they spice up your daily routine.

Every day is series of decisions you make, big or small. Everything you do for yourself like your routine, interests, and hobbies are a part of your lifestyle. BusinessDirectory defines lifestyle as “A way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies, which they manifest in coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments on a day-to-day basis”.

Every race, religion, culture, and the environment we grew up in shapes how we live.

Dress To Impress

Anyone who has watched the classic movie The Devil Wears Prada knows how demanding the world of fashion is. There are always new trends and every retail store is out to revamp the entire wardrobe to be part of the trend. The trends always comes and goes, and sometimes, it can be a blast from the past. For example, people have tried to recreate Audrey Hepburn’s iconic look in the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany’s. We all want to be look great and not miss out, so we join the fashion movement. Whether these are clothes or accessories that we wear.

In this society that prioritizes one’s physical appearance, one accessory can make or break a look. The way you dress also delivers a message to others on your personality, social status, age, or how you want to be perceived. There is a reason why companies or schools employ a strict dress code; in order to look professional and presentable. Studies have also shown the way you dress affects the way you think and feel. Which is why successful CEOs love to dress in their formal suits, they become powerful as they put on the tie. It is also no wonder that when women wear their make up, they feel as if they are applying their war paint and are ready to take on the day.

The emergence of technology has also made shopping more convenient; just by clicking an ad selling a pair of boots can lead you to an e-commerce website. Before you know it, you’re buying a trench coat to match your boots. Flash sales and deals will pop up left and right. You don’t even have to get out from your home just to make a purchase, just get your credit card ready.

On Beauty

Besides the clothes and accessories you wear, your current lifestyle also affects how you look, based on what you already have; your body. Just like with fashion, there are countless beauty trends out there, and they all have one goal; to enhance one’s beauty. You might already have your go-to beautician or dermatologist, or are simply looking for the one to highlight your best physical features.

Magazines and blogs also love to provide the best tips on being beautiful — inside and out. However, over the years, how beauty is seen has drastically changed. So, trying to attain a beauty ideal can be hard sometimes. On the bright side, advanced technology has also helped those who suffered from illnesses or trauma. Thanks to cosmetics, it can alleviate the insecurities of those who have burn marks, vein problems, and much more.

For men, the need to look sharp by simply getting a haircut from their favorite barber or shaving daily can make a huge difference in their overall look. The truth is, men also care about upgrading their personal care – Which gel product is best for their hair? How to battle signs of aging? How to have good skin? These are just some of the questions to help men in their daily grooming ritual.

Events That Are Worthwhile 

Every year, we anticipate the holidays or special events because they bring excitement to our lives. May it be a birthday, a wedding, or a party —we love to celebrate life to the fullest. It is no joke to organize an event and bring something new for the people who will attend. This is why people prefer to hire an event planner to ease the burden off their shoulders.

Especially now that we are in the age of social media, where we like to document and show to the world the highlights of the party. To put it directly, we don’t only create or attend events to just have fun, but also to escape from our daily reality. It is a way to meet new people, eat new food, play games, and more. An event tells a story, it is a method to celebrate life itself.

Other Things

Again, lifestyle can range to quite so many topics such as music, technology, career, food, and many more! By being alive at this moment and thinking of what tomorrow can give to you can give you a sense of mindfulness. Which will ultimately lead to adventure of a lifetime. It does not matter where you are from, as you can always find a way to discover new things to continue to be an enthusiast.

Love Your Life with Fine Feather Heads 

Fine Feather Heads brings you the best advice when it comes to your lifestyle. The wide range of articles sheds a new light on ways to improve the way you live. The articles that are collected will not only tell you how to change your life, but also dig deep as to why you need to. The different kinds of perspectives are game changers as we provide you the best tips in this world that constantly changes. Be inspired on the potential of where you can go, who you can be with, and what you can do. We will tap into your core as this is a surefire way to attract only what is meant for you.

So, how do you define your lifestyle?

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