Living Safely at Home: the Safety Benefits of Smart Devices

Smart homes were considered to be the home of the future. Many people thought that we wouldn’t have automated systems to monitor our way of living. And many more thought that we wouldn’t have robots doing our chores for us until further down into the future.

However, all of these things and more are now accessible to many homeowners.

In 2019, there were 42 million homes in the US with smart devices installed. The growth of smart homes is at an all-time high as more Americans seek the safety and comfortability of smart home systems. But how do smart devices exactly protect their owners? We aim to answer that question in this article.

Property Crimes in the US

Break-ins are a severe problem in America. Burglary and theft are the two most common crimes in the US. Many cities and states have high burglary rates, despite this information. This is because many families do not have any protection installed in their homes. The lack of security leads to criminals thinking that it’s easy to break-in, get what they need, and get out. This is true in most situations, as many property crimes are usually left unsolved. Even violent crimes such as assault in one’s home are typically left unsolved.

Because of this, homeowners are looking for new ways to protect their homes aside from the standard surveillance system. They are looking for something more proactive, something that works even when they are not at home.

Smart Home Security Devices

Surveillance is no longer the answer to property crimes. Most likely than not, cameras can only get a limited vision of what is going on. Additionally, professional criminals most likely scope their targets beforehand. Knowing that you do not have any way of protecting your home or alerting authorities in an instance of a break-in, they are more likely to target your house.

Many homeowners opt to have smart home security devices in their homes as property crimes escalate in their neighborhood. The idea of a security device in your home can already prevent a break-in. However, if it does come into the direst of situations, these devices have many safety measures such as warning their owners of a possible break-in, keeping track of locks and even dialing the police automatically if a break-in does happen.

The safety of a home is possible through the use of smart security devices. They keep track of what is going on even if you’re not at home.

It also watches over you as you sleep. Moreover, smart security devices are cheaper when compared to hiring security guards and having a surveillance system. Investing in these devices not only saves you money but also keeps you protected from property crimes.
Modern backyard with swimming pool in mansion

Smart Devices and Disasters

In 2018, there had been about one million reported fires in the US, which accumulated to a $25 billion loss all over the country. These fires led to a staggering 3,655 fatalities. Fires and disasters are tough to predict, and without a device warning you of a possible disaster, you might evacuate your house way too late. This can lead to injuries, and worse, fatalities.

Smart home devices can monitor many systems in your home that can lead to potential disasters. Additionally, they can call various departments in case of fires or natural disasters. They can protect you from these things through proactive means, ensuring that you are well-aware of a disaster before it happens to your home.

Smart Home Monitoring Systems

Electrical and heating are two of the main reasons for property fires each year. Fires caused by electrical distribution faults lead to 34,000 residential fires each year. They also lead to many fatalities and injuries. When it comes to heating, many fires and casualties occur from overheated equipment or furniture being in contact with heating equipment. These disasters usually happen because homeowners are unaware of what is happening in their home.

Smart home systems can monitor these instances. They can report electrical faults in your home. They can also report the condition of newly installed electrical equipment. Additionally, they can tell you if a particular appliance is overheating or in the process of overheating. Unused appliances left on for long periods can cause property damage and a possible fire in your home. Smart systems can monitor these things for you. They can warn you and the fire department if your home is at risk of a disaster.

Overall, smart systems deliver not only comfort but also safety in many modern houses. They are an excellent investment to have, especially when you’re living in a rough neighborhood. They can protect your assets and you from any danger that might occur anytime.

These devices can also help prevent any possible hazards from happening in your home.

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