Maintain Your Home’s Curb Appeal with These DIY Projects

Whether it’s an impression on your neighbours, guests, or possible buyers, everyone wants to make their first impression a good one. When it comes to houses, your curb appeal is what makes or breaks that first impression. Over time a home’s curb appeal decreases due to lack of maintenance. Now that we’re all stuck at home due to the pandemic. We have all the time in the world to do some curb appeal maintenance. If you aren’t sure where to start, here are x DIY projects you can work on to help maintain your curb appeal:

Power wash home and clean out gutters.

Our homes keep us safe from external elements such as weather and outdoor pollution. A lot of dirt can stick onto the exterior of our home and create stains. Making it look duller than it was before. But, a good power wash with a pressure washer will do the trick. Clean each side of the house one at a time. More difficult stains might need more than a power wash. You might need to scrub the gunk off to make sure your home is squeaky clean. Don’t forget to do your roof and clear out the gutters as well. If it rains a lot in your area, leaving your roof uncleaned can cause damages such as leaks. It can also cause moss growth, which can be an eyesore.

Grind your walkway.

If you have a tree planted next to your walkway or driveway. There’s a chance that the concrete will crack due to the movement of the roots underneath. If you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars getting your entire walkway stripped and rebuilt. You can get yourself a concrete grinder with the proper diamond cup. Then grind your walkway yourself. It’s a bit of work, but it’s cheaper than getting the entire thing removed and redone.

Maintain your landscaping.

The key to boosting curb appeal is keeping tidy and making everything look neat. That means trimming down overgrown trees or shrubs or planting more greenery to make your home more livable. People usually hire a professional landscaper. But you can do your own landscaping for much cheaper. If you need tips on how to do your own landscaping, read about it here.

well maintained home

Give your home a fresh coat of paint.

When a home is too worn out, sometimes you can’t bring back your home’s colour to its natural state with a pressure washer. If you’ve tried power washing your home and it still looks dull, it’s time you give your home a fresh coat of paint. Painting your home’s exterior shouldn’t isn’t supposed to be all willy-nilly. You have to clean, sand, and prime your home to ensure that the paint has a smooth surface to sticks on. If you want your paint job to look professional so you should prep it the way experts do.

Install window boxes.

Installing window boxes with colourful flowers is always a great way to boost curb appeal. It’s an easy project to do, as well, from making the box itself to installing it and planting the flowers. It’s a fun DIY project that you and your family can do together.

Add seasonal decor.

Christmas is just around the corner. If you haven’t set up your seasonal decorations, you better start doing so. Adding Christmas lights to the exterior of your home already makes a big difference. But if you want to go overboard with your Christmas decorations, why not? There is no such thing as too many Christmas decorations. You can also go online and research how you can make your own Christmas decorations so that you don’t have to spend so much.

Remember, all it takes to boost your curb appeal is to do maintenance. Give your home a power wash now and then. Repaint it every four to six years. Maintain your front yard and add some decorations too! These are all quite simple to do by yourself or with the help of your family.

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