Multiple implants: getting the most from this restorative

Let’s not beat around the bush; a dental implant Melbourne is a very significant investment of time and money and to pretend otherwise is just disingenuous. It is only reasonable for you to look for the best options, not only in a provider who has a well-trodden and proven track record but also a procedure that gives you the biggest bang for your buck.

Most surgeries focus on presenting their patients with implant options to their dental woes. Usually, it is conceptually easier to imagine an oral implant as a sort of artificial tooth with its own artificial titanium root, which is really the best way of using and seeing an implant in relation to restoration.

Sets of implants

When implants are used in sets, they are far more than the sum of their parts. The simplest example of this is the implant immobilised bridge; traditional bridges replace two or three teeth with a partial denture that is wired into place using the natural teeth as the anchors.

However, it has its limitations in forward and back wobbling of the bridge and the additional stress on the wired teeth, which often have their healthy lifespan significantly reduced. By using a set of implants at either end of the bridge, three artificial teeth can be rigidly fixed into place by using two implants.


This can be taken further with dentures; while 5 to 6 implants are not uncommon to immobilise a set of dentures, it can be achieved with 4 in optimum cases. Where a patient’s jaw is dense and healthy and their rate of bone growth is vigorous, 4 implants can be all that is required.

Exactly how many implants you require will not be known until you have undergone an oral assessment. This almost always involves x-rays and an account of your lifestyle; smoking, heavy drinking, diabetes or any history of osteoporosis will decrease your chances of being eligible for implantation.

Making them last

The risky part of any dental implantation procedure is the acceptance of the titanium component into the jaw and whether it forms a strong and stable bond with the jawbone.

After this critical point, the portion of the implant beneath the gum line is likely to last a lifetime. With the semi-permanent locking mechanism in the connector allowing dentists to detach the titanium component from the prosthetic and replace it, implants do decrease the costs of future treatment.

The maintenance of the oral prosthetic would be much the same as your natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing. In the case of comparing them to a denture, it will not be possible to remove implants for overnight soaking; therefore, it requires a more natural routine to be adopted, helping a patient adjust to it and making the implants feel like a natural extension of their body.

Even if you have two sets of immobilised dentures, it is still highly recommended that you keep to your regular 6-month checkup to maintain gum health.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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