Must-dos to Prolong Your AC Unit’s Life

Regular appliance maintenance is important in any household to make the unit work efficiently and last longer. Your air-conditioning unit is one appliance that needs routine maintenance to keep your home cool throughout the year. Here are some simple maintenance tips that you can follow to keep your AC unit in good condition:

1. Clean or replace the air filters.

Dirty filters block airflow and make the AC unit work harder, resulting in higher power bills. The dirty air coming from the system can trigger allergy and asthma attacks. If you have central AC units, clean or replace your filters every 30 to 60 days, especially if you have kids or pets at home. If you have a wall-mounted or portable air conditioner, clean them every two weeks. During summer or winter season, clean or replace your air conditioner filters every month. To clean them, dust off the dirt and then rinse them with lukewarm, soapy water. Let them dry completely before placing them back in the unit.

2. Check the thermostat.

Always check the thermostat to make sure that your unit is in good working condition. This will keep your home cool at the right temperature. You might want to replace your old mechanical thermostat and upgrade it to a programmable one. With a programmable thermostat, you can set the temperature higher before you leave. The thermostat will automatically cool down your house 30 minutes before you arrive home. You need not run your AC unit the whole day, so you save on power bills. Your home also has the right temperature when you arrive at night.

3. Clean the coils.

Coils facilitate airflow. They clear the way for hot and cold air. For this, make sure that they are free of dust and dirt. Use a brush or a soft cloth to dust off the debris blocking the exterior fins of your central air-conditioning unit. For hard-to-remove dirt, use dish soap in a bottle and spray it down. Be careful not to wet the electrical box. Make sure that it is completely dry before replacing it in the unit. You can clean window units in the same manner.

4. Look into the condenser unit fan.

Check if the fan is still in good condition. Inspect if the fan blades have cracks or chips and if the motor bearings have to be oiled.

5. Inspect electrical connections.

Look for signs of overheating such as burnt wires and melted wire insulation. Check the contactor switch if it needs a replacement. With an electrical test meter, check the capacitor and replace it when necessary. For problems you’re not knowledgeable about, don’t hesitate to call a professional. If you’re looking for experts in AC repair, there are various service providers in Modesto, California.

6. Stay clear of blockages.

Air conditioner maintenance

Airflow is essential to air conditioning units. Make sure that nothing blocks the unit vents. Trim the plants around your AC unit. Remove dressers, shelves, or beds that can impede airflow to and from the unit. For an outdoor unit, at least a 12-inch clearance around it is suggested.

A properly maintained AC unit will help you save money and energy and keep your home comfortably cool. To maximize your AC unit’s performance as many years as possible, perform the maintenance tasks that you can do on your own and leave the complicated ones to the professionals.

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