Need More Shelf Space? Spots to Add Shelves at Home

Shelves are great tools any homeowner can have since you can place items on them while doubling as decorative pieces — and you can even make them yourself. There are infinite possibilities when it comes to shelves, but where do you put them?

Although it’s best to leave complex projects such as repairing your diesel engines and heaters to trained professionals, making and adding shelves at home is always a fun and rewarding DIY activity you can do yourself.

Here are the best spots to add shelves at home.

Above the Sink

One slim shelf about your kitchen sink doesn’t only look attractive, but it also enables you to add a few personal touches to the room. Ensure to varnish or wax the shelf you’re installing to protect it from the inevitable water splashes in the kitchen.


Although most bedside spaces are relatively small, these ledges next to your bed are big enough to hold a book, your phone, or a cup of tea. Mount the shelf high enough to avoid knocking things off in your sleep. You can easily make this small shelving unit by cutting a piece from a plank of wood, round the corners until smooth, and fix it on small brackets.

Above Your Couch

The space above couches in your living room is a fantastic spot for adding a bit of extra storage. Just ensure you place the shelves you’re using high enough to avoid hitting your head. You can store small trinkets on the shelves to add more style to your living room.

aesthetic shelf

In the Bathroom

Having extra storage space is always an advantage any homeowner would enjoy, and unless you have a massive bathroom, adding built-in shelves or those units secured to walls are your best choices. However, if you have enough room inside your bathroom and have an old ladder lying around, repurpose it and use it as a quirky shelving unit to hang all your towels and shower accessories.

Above Your Door

Any door around your home can be a great spot to add shelves, provided that it has some room above the top of its frame. The best shelves you can use for this are corner shelves. You can place household cleaning products in this hard-to-reach area to protect your pets and kids.

Above the Radiator

Although radiators are an essential appliance every home needs to ensure it keeps the household nice and warm, they often take a lot of space, limiting where you can place your furniture. Win back some of that space by installing hanging shelves above your radiator.

Behind Doors

Small spaces behind doors can be an excellent spot for shelves as they mostly have enough room for them, plus it lets you store some of your valuables discreetly. It’s best to use fitting slim shelves that aren’t bigger than a paperback, and if your door opens inward, ensure it doesn’t get obstructed.

Small Nooks

Nooks such as small powder rooms are a great place to add in shelves, giving the room more storage space and personality. For small areas like these, ensure the shelves you use are less than 8 inches deep to ensure they can store several things but aren’t too deep that they’re sticking out too much.

Storage is always a premium to have, no matter your home’s size, and though you can’t add full-fledged closets, you can always add shelves. If you’re looking for adding extra storage, consider adding shelves in any of the spots mentioned — for a more functional and spacious home.

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