No Bridezilla: 3 Things to Do to Keep Calm While Walking Down the Aisle

Aside from your overly, constantly frantic aunt and the flow of the reception later, perhaps the most anxiety-inducing detail of the wedding is the walk down the aisle. For a good minute or so, you’re going to be the object of everybody’s attention. You’ll think of your dress, did it fit in the right places? Or your make-up, did it blend perfectly? Then you’ll think of your actual walk, what if you trip in the middle? Will it be caught by the guests’ ready-phones? Then, of course, your groom on the far end. Things might quickly get emotional. With tears welling up to your eyes, you don’t see where you’re walking anymore. Who knew a simple, brief walk could be so nerve-racking, right?

If you’re feeling the jitters, it’s okay. That’s normal. Here are ways you can overcome all the unpleasantries and make your walk a memorable one:

Find a me-time before the ceremony starts.

Despite ironing out every single detail of the event, you’re going to still have a jam-packed morning prior to the actual ceremony. There’s a relative who is having some flight issues. There’s a vendor who is acting up. There’s a rain forecast in the afternoon. All of this can get you rattled up — and thus, more nervous at the aisle. What you have to do is find your peace.

Before the ceremony begins, spend time alone. Ask your bridesmaids and relatives to leave you in a quiet room. Shut the door and close your eyes. Use a meditation app, if you want. Try to set aside all the wedding-related stuff. Leave that to the on-the-day wedding coordinator. UK-based planners instead recommend redirecting your mind to marriage-related thoughts, like why you agreed to marry your fiancé in the first place or how sweet it is to spend the rest of your life loving that person. Hopefully, this will dispel the jitters.

Come up with a game plan.

One of the possible reasons you get anxious about walking down the aisle is the fact that you don’t know what to expect of it. It’s the fear of the unknown. When this strikes, the tendency is to feel helpless about the situation. What you need here is a game plan.

When you have a plan, you’ll feel more in control of the circumstances, and thus be more confident. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate plan. It can be as simple as making eye contact with your fiancé, holding your father’s arm tight, or winking at your maid-of-honor. You can also get yourself used to the idea of walking by going to the venue, say, the morning of the wedding or a few hours before you get your makeup done. Do a slow stroll. Imagine guests filling up those empty seats. This way, when the real thing happens later, it doesn’t feel that new and unknown anymore.

Stay in shape and in good health.

healthy eating

This is probably the last thing on your mind when calming down your jitters, but believe it or not, it should be part of your game plan. Take care of yourself. As much as you don’t have an appetite because of the nervousness, try to eat a hearty meal. Get a decent sleep the night before, too. Take sleeping pills, if necessary. Never try to drown your anxiety with alcohol. Showing up at your wedding drunk won’t do you any good. Neither is waking up with a hangover. For sure, you’ll walk funny down the aisle (but not the kind of funny that will be pretty in photos). Be in the best of health days prior to your wedding if you want that walk to be memorable — in a good way.

Are you feeling jittery over being the center of attention in your bridal walk? Don’t be. Don’t overthink. Rather, try out these mentioned strategies for calming the nerves. Best of luck!

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