The Logistics Side of Planning a Beauty and Wellness Event

The beauty and personal care industry is booming now more than ever. This might be because more people have access to high-quality products and skincare practices, thanks to the world of e-commerce. Buying cosmetic products has become so much easier because of online shopping.

But just because people prefer online over traditional shopping doesn’t mean that they no longer attend beauty events. There are still make-up companies that hold on-site product launches to showcase their new additions to the catalog.

In such events, they invite influencers, brand ambassadors, celebrities, and make-up enthusiasts with a big following so that their products can be marketed easily to a wider audience. These beauty and wellness events are vital in marketing strategy, but pulling them off is no easy task.

The logistical aspect of planning an event is arguably the most important because there can be no event without a venue to hold it in. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg because logistics have many layers and facets. Find out how you can plan the logistics of your event seamlessly with these steps:

Step 1: Picking a Venue

The first thing on your list should always be the venue. This should be the topmost priority because an event can’t take place without a designated location. Besides, once you have settled on the venue, everything else will follow.

But before you pick a venue, you should know what you’re looking for, such as how many people the event will cater to, what will happen within the program, and how much your company is willing to spend on logistics.

These limitations can give you an idea about how big the place should be and if it can satisfy your event’s purpose. By having this rough sketch of your event space, you can easily eliminate the options that fail to fit your venue goal’s criteria.

Step 2: Choosing the Equipment

After picking the venue, the next step will be to choose your equipment. However, to get everything you will need on the day of the event, you will need a copy of the program schedule. This is so that you can ensure that you have all the equipment you might need.

For instance, if you’re going to have skincare experts talk about the best make-up practices for everyday situations during the beauty and wellness event, you will need a stage, comfortable furniture, and reliable audio-visual or AV equipment that the guests can use during their segment.

During the event, the technical equipment you may need can include microphones, speakers, projectors, lights, a sound system, and a computer. Having an expert working on these technical aspects can prevent any difficulties during the event that may disrupt the program flow.

With all that equipment in the open, it is part of your job as a logistics manager to keep the equipment safe and that they won’t pose a health hazard for the guests for the event. Make sure that all the electrical wiring is secured or that the stage with the electrical setup won’t get wet and cause a fire.

Step 3: Designing the Interiors

construction concept

The look and feel of the venue set the tone for the event. This is what the guests will see as they enter the venue, what they see when they’re inside the place, and what they will keep seeing through the event. That’s why the design is of utmost importance.

By this time, you should have secured the venue for the day of your event. This means that you have access to the venue and draft a layout of the entire place as a reference to creating your designs. And because this is a beauty and wellness event, your decorations should match the brand image.

For example, if the event’s main purpose is to introduce a new lipstick line to consumers, then your designs could revolve around the central image of lips. Of course, the final design is dependent on your event’s goal, but to give you an idea, you can have lip cutouts on the walls or lollipops as souvenirs.

Step 4: Staging the Place

The last and final part of managing the pre-event aspect of logistics is putting the first three steps together. This is where your idea comes together to bring life into the venue. Staging the venue means that you will have a designated place for everything.

With an open space, the staging possibilities are limitless. But that can be a double-edged sword as well because too much space can make your event appear scattered and thrown together at the last minute, which is why planning where everything goes is essential.

Before the day of the event, you should know where the lights and sounds system will be placed, where the stage for the program is located, where the heavy foot traffic will be because of the restrooms, and where the food area will be stationed, especially if this is a whole day event.

Ironing out the event’s details takes a lot of work, and it all comes together in the logistics. So don’t think for a second that the event can exist without your contribution because you’re basically the glue that is keeping it from falling apart.

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