Planning a Long Distance Move? Here are Some Money-Savings Tips

When you live on one side of the country and you want to move to the other side, you face thousands of miles of travel. It isn’t much of a problem if you’re single and just out of college, but what if you have a family? That’s going to be a bigger challenge and can even be very costly.

However, it is possible to save some money on your relocation. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

Hire Professionals

You can hire one of several professional cross-country long distance movers in your current location or your destination. It may sound counter-intuitive, but professional movers can actually save you money in the long run. This is because they know exactly what to do to be as efficient as possible.

If you want to save more, then you should shop around a bit for as many potential movers as possible. Compare the rates and ask about their services. Choose the most cost-efficient one.

Time It Right

Moving has a season. There are specific times when everyone is planning to move. This affects the rates since a higher demand means the more people want to move. This causes the rates to go higher. You might want to avoid relocating in the middle of summer, mostly because of the great weather.

Currently, the least expensive time to move is between May and September, as this is the offseason. Offseason moves can also mean easier movement with traffic being easier, so there will be fewer delays in the movement.

Use Free Moving Supplies

You can save a bit on your move by using free moving supplies. It’s easy enough to get spare cardboard boxes from your local stores. Packing foam and bubble wrap can also be acquired without spending a dollar. Just ask some friends who often have products shipped to them.

Newspapers are also excellent packing supplies and finding used newspapers should be easy. Additional packing supplies such as duct tape are also affordable enough.

Ship the Bulk of Your Items

Man writing the information for the shipment

Another way to reduce the costs of your move is to ship some of your stuff ahead. Various shippers can handle it. Shipping it ahead of you also ensures that they are already there when you arrive. With less stuff to move in your final moving shipment, your costs will be lower.

Get Some Help From Your Company

If you are moving because of work, then it is possible to get some financial help. Ask your company to chip in with the moving costs; they might actually help. If they do, you might be able to cut down your expense to half.

Hunt for Discounts

With plenty of movers on the market, they can get competitive. That is why it should be easy enough to get a discount. Look for discount coupons or seasonal discounts for moving services. Even a 10 percent discount can be a big help.

A new life is hard to begin and can cost a lot. However, it is possible to cut down on your costs. With these tips, your new beginning should be easier with some money set aside from the savings.

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