Prepare For Your Next Camping Trip Amidst the Pandemic

The pandemic has changed how we all live to put it simply. Gone are the fun Friday nights spent with your colleagues and friends in the nearby sports bar. Mall activities are limited to essential shopping for groceries and needs and for eating. Even eating dine-in has its restrictions and limitations to adhering to safety protocols and ensuring the safety of customers and employees alike.

Crowded and closed-off places are a big no-no. The Corona Virus spreads from person to person, making crowded places a recipe for virus transmission.

This makes outdoor camping one of the better alternatives. Camping allows you to go outside, enjoy nature, and have fun, while still maintaining safe physical distancing from crowds. However, camping does not come without its own risks. You will still need to take precautions while having fun, for your safety and that of your loved ones.

From packing your PPEs to stocking on your favorite Arcteryx Sabre jackets to ward off the chill, you will need to be prepared for your trip for your safety and convenience.

Know the Risks

Although camping is generally considered a low-risk activity, it would still be smart if you take the necessary precautions. Before you get all excited and sling your camping bag on your back, here are some risks that you should prepare for.

  • Spontaneous trips will not cut it. Gone are the days when you can just put on your trekking shoes, pack some essentials, and buy the rest on the road. Planning is essential to minimize interactions with other people. The lesser things you buy on the road, the safer it is for you.
  • Call your reservations in advance. Most camping grounds have established a limit on the number of campers that they will allow for a given day. This is to comply with the requirements of health authorities to maintain safe physical distancing in public places. You may also choose to do free camping if you want to avoid crowds.
  • Postpone if you are not feeling well. Travel increases the risks of getting the virus. Avoid locations that have a high COVID-19-positive rate. If you are also feeling under the weather, it is best to park your plans and recover first before you hit the road.
  • Check the restrictions in your target location. Some states have requirements when it comes to visiting tourists. Be sure that you are up to date with your destination’s entry restrictions and requirements.
  • The risk is everywhere and may hit you when you least expect it. There is no vaccine against the COVID-19 virus yet. It would be prudent to act as if the threat is everywhere and to act accordingly to protect yourself.

camping tents in the woods

Camping Essentials During the Pandemic

It is important to bring all the things that you need for a convenient, safe, and fun camping trip. Cleanliness will be one of your top priorities. Here are some camping essentials that you should have in your pack.

Bring enough disposable and reusable face masks and coverings.

The CDC recommends that you always wear a mask in public places. Whether you are camping in a remote site or a public camping ground, you will be bound to run into someone soon enough. Bring sufficient masks in case you need a change after a hot and sweaty day. Scarves can also work if you run out of face masks.

Bring enough food.

From quick snacks to your meals, bring enough food to avoid going to restaurants and stores. Bring bread, peanut butter spreads, fruits, and foods that are easy to prepare. Bring also enough water for your trip. You can bring extra water for hygienic purposes.

Bring alcohol and sanitizing wipes.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from the virus is to keep your hands clean. If handwashing with soap and water is not possible, sanitize your hands with 70% alcohol. If you are on a public camping ground, you might need to use public facilities such as restrooms and faucets. Take along some sanitizing wipes to disinfect surfaces before and after you use them.

Prepare for the weather.

Depending on the season, you must be prepared for the weather. Prepare appropriate clothes that will protect you from the weather elements and keep you comfortable during your camping trip. If the weather is chilly, prepare some sweaters and jackets, which you can even use during your winter trips.

Take your vitamins.

Build your resistance to avoid getting sick. Bring some vitamins and some paracetamols in case of emergencies. Do not forget to pack your emergency kit, with important medicines, bandages, ointments, and flashlights.

These may be scary times, but it does not mean that you should live in fear at all times. Take precautions, avoid crowds, and choose activities that will not require mingling with strangers. Read the guidelines issued by the WHO and CDC on how to protect yourself from the virus. Remember to be responsible whenever you step out of your home.

Go back to nature and enjoy its beauty. Camping is the perfect outdoor activity for this season.

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