Questions to Ask When Choosing a Good Plastic Surgeon

Do you want to get your sexy back after giving birth? Being a mom takes a toll on a woman’s body. You end up with sagging breasts, ugly stretch marks, and a protruding stomach and don’t to forget the unwanted weight gain. The only beautiful thing about motherhood is your bundle of joy.

Luckily for you, there are lots of plastic surgeons doing impressive mommy makeovers, which include breast lifts in Utah. So, there is hope of getting your sexiness back without crossing the borders at an affordable cost. As you shop around for a plastic surgeon, these are questions that you should be asking.

1. Is the surgeon board-certified?

This should be the most important question to ask. A board-certified surgeon is qualified to carry out the procedure. You do not want to end up on a quack surgeon’s table. The outcome will make you wish you had remained with your sagging breast or whatever flaw you thought you had.

2. How much will the procedure cost?

The price will definitely vary depending on the level of experience, the method used, location among other factors. Ask for the total cost inclusive of post-treatment. You want to be certain of the cost so that you plan your finances.

With such procedures, you want to take the surgeons word of the cost. If you bargain too much, they will give you the service of what you have only paid for, which might be substandard.

3. How many similar procedures have they done?

Plastic surgeon examining face

If the surgeon has previously performed something similar, then they are experienced and know what they are doing. Insist on before and after photos of the previous patients to see whether he did a good job. You do not want to be one of those patients they are using to perfect their trade.

4. Where will they perform the procedure?

The reason for this is to be assured of your safety. For complex surgeries, a hospital would be the safest place though expensive. Simple procedures can be performed in-office. Things such as your health issues, age, and complications that may arise will also determine where the surgery will take place.

5. What are the risks associated with the procedure?

There is always a risk in every procedure done, the most serious being loss of blood, reactions to anesthesia or infections. This is why it is important to inquire about the potential risks so that you are prepared. This will also help you make an informed decision as to whether to proceed with the procedure or not.

6. Do they have other medical staff assisting them?

It is important that you know if they have other staff assisting them. Are they qualified? In case of emergency, do they have people to assist them in getting you quick help? If they have medical interns, are these interns properly trained?

Familiarize yourself with the surgeon’s services. Ask as many questions as possible. Don’t be intimidated or scared of looking foolish. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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