Take a Breath: Why Indoor Air Quality Is Essential at Home

When you’re outside, you are exposed to the elements and pollution. Your home is supposed to be a safe place for you to feel comfortable and stay healthy. But poor indoor air quality puts you and your family at risk of different illnesses, some of which can have long-term effects on your health. Finding out the causes of these health hazards will help you identify the appropriate solutions for them. By educating yourself on the matter, you can improve your home’s air quality for your health, safety, and comfort.

What causes poor indoor air quality?

Research has shown that indoor air can be worse than outdoor air because contaminants are kept in the space. With most people spending the majority of their time indoors, they likely breathe in old and stagnant air that can cause them to fall ill.

  • Occasional air duct cleaning leaves contaminants (e.g., dust, mold, bacteria, and mites) trapped in your home, causing poor air quality.
  • The harsh chemicals in your cleaning products pollute your home, and they have the potential to trigger allergic reactions.
  • Pet dander and other biological contaminants present health hazards to your household, especially when you or a family member has asthma.

What are the effects of poor indoor air quality?

health check

Poor indoor air quality has a wide range of health risks, from eyes, nose, and throat irritation to shortness of breath. If someone has asthma or other respiratory conditions, air contaminants can aggravate them and cause an attack. Additionally, long-term exposure to poor indoor air quality can lead to health conditions that affect your household’s respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

How can you improve the indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality is highly susceptible to contamination. Whenever you enter or leave your home or whenever you open a window, you let different contaminants into the area. Some at-home practices, like cooking and dusting, also release pollutants into the air. Creating a healthier environment at home requires meticulous cleaning.

  • Establish two types of cleaning schedules. The first one should fit in with your daily routine, and it should consist of light tasks, such as dusting and vacuuming. The second schedule will be more meticulous, including tasks like wiping down all surfaces with disinfectant products. Make this a weekly job to prevent the massive buildup of contaminants and pollutants.
  • Change your cleaning products. Read the ingredients list of these products and determine which chemicals are harmful to you and your family. Consider replacing these with organic cleaning products to reduce contaminants in your home.
  • Measure your humidity levels. Your home’s humidity levels will change with the seasons. When these levels are too high, your home becomes a breeding ground for mites and mold. Place humidifiers throughout your home to gain better control over your air quality.

Make your home a safe, healthy, and comfortable space for you and your family. Educate yourself on the potential risks you face indoors and remedy these with the appropriate solutions. The sooner you improve your home’s air quality, the easier it will be to breathe and relax.

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