Tiny Homes: Quite Literally, A Smaller Footprint on the World

Interestingly, the tiny homes are slowly becoming popular among couples who are looking to settle. Thanks to media coverage and the internet, these attractive architectural designs have now become a movement on its own. But did you know that living in tiny homes also has its benefits for the planet?

Inverse says that downsizing from a regular home to a small dwelling also reduces a family’s environmental impact. It means that you’re not only occupying a smaller space, but you’re also consuming fewer resources, too.

Furthermore, according to a few studies, downsizing home influences various aspects of a person’s lifestyle. Even more, it also reduces the impact that a person does to the environment in ways that one can never imagine.

Could You Live in a Tiny House?

Modern architecture combined with technology has made tiny homes livable enough for most people. The Spruce even says that the best designs of tiny dwellings even have the right set of amenities that you often find in a typical house. From adjustable door hinges to shifting furniture, the main concept of pint-size houses about transformation.

Living in a tiny house doesn’t mean that everything else must be little, too. So, instead of having uncomfortable pieces of small furniture, go for a full-size sleeper sofa that has storage spaces inside. Not only is it inviting to have in your home, but it doubles up as a hidden storage area as well.

You also need to consider the overall aesthetics of your home. It’s best to have clean and simple lines to avoid making your home look crowded. Meanwhile, you can use dark wood tones on the floor to add a layer of warmth inside. Ensure that every inch of your space has its purpose. Utilize all the possible vertical space and see if you can use it as additional storage. Doing so will help you keep things organized while avoiding the clutter.

You also must be smart when placing your appliances, too. Consider mounting your TV while having a built-in closet underneath it to create additional space.

A Sustainable Way of Living

front view of cosy little house

In the past couple of decades, almost everyone believes that one must go big when building a house. That’s why the average newly constructed home went bigger as the years pass. But this growth has harmed the environment in various ways. A few of its damages include the loss of natural space, energy consumption, and pollution.

Although the minimalist way of living has been in existence for centuries, it only gained popularity in the early 2000s. Now, people are slowly following the trend by designing their own small yet efficient spaces as their tiny home.

Living in a tiny house doesn’t mean that you must give up on your luxuries. You must be smart about it by creating an architectural design intended for your tiny home. You should also consider using space for two different purposes. Remember that you’re only limited to your imagination. So, unleash the architect in you and start sketching your tiny future home.

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